It's not very clear to me from your post as to how long you have actually been working here; perhaps you could clarify on that point. If you've only been here a short time, my honest advice is to stay put and contnue with your exisiting employer until you've notched up a couple of years at least. I say this for three main reasons: First of all, it's only fair (IMO) to repay the efforts that your employer put in to get your EP and enable you to come here. Secondly, if you leave after a short while, you will look like someone who job-hops - personally that's something I find a real turn-off in candidates. Thirdly, you will surely be aware of the anti-foreigner sentiment here and the increasing difficulty of securing employement passes, etc. This is probably why you've been getting the cold shoulder response when potential employers see your current status. Better (IMO) to keep building your experience with your current employer.hrprof1985 wrote:Dear All,
My subject line is a give away w.r.t the content however I do request you to take some time amidst your schedules and render your invaluable advise:
I am an Hr Professional with 5+ years of work exp across multiple geographies (India,Africa & Singapore). Albeit my work locaiton was always India for all these years, I have been responsible for the transitioning and setting up of HR for Africa; managing workforce based out of different geogrpahies while being based at India...a typical Offshore -Onsite model of Shared Services along with Coprorate HR role for India.
I have been lucky (after a wait of 3 tough months) to secure employment at a local company..however I have to confess am looking for a currently on an EP...My questions:
1) Considering the last changes to there any remote possibility of securing a change in HR while on EP..
2) What would be the best route if I had to give a try...I have tried job portals /consultants...but luck is just not on my side!!!! I receive a response we will get back to you or after they approach me first and I response with my VISA status there is a dead silence....phew!!!
I would be really looking forward to your response (considering human tendency...positive response is great but a reality check will be best
HI Mi Amigo,Mi Amigo wrote:It's not very clear to me from your post as to how long you have actually been working here; perhaps you could clarify on that point. If you've only been here a short time, my honest advice is to stay put and contnue with your exisiting employer until you've notched up a couple of years at least. I say this for three main reasons: First of all, it's only fair (IMO) to repay the efforts that your employer put in to get your EP and enable you to come here. Secondly, if you leave after a short while, you will look like someone who job-hops - personally that's something I find a real turn-off in candidates. Thirdly, you will surely be aware of the anti-foreigner sentiment here and the increasing difficulty of securing employement passes, etc. This is probably why you've been getting the cold shoulder response when potential employers see your current status. Better (IMO) to keep building your experience with your current employer.hrprof1985 wrote:Dear All,
My subject line is a give away w.r.t the content however I do request you to take some time amidst your schedules and render your invaluable advise:
I am an Hr Professional with 5+ years of work exp across multiple geographies (India,Africa & Singapore). Albeit my work locaiton was always India for all these years, I have been responsible for the transitioning and setting up of HR for Africa; managing workforce based out of different geogrpahies while being based at India...a typical Offshore -Onsite model of Shared Services along with Coprorate HR role for India.
I have been lucky (after a wait of 3 tough months) to secure employment at a local company..however I have to confess am looking for a currently on an EP...My questions:
1) Considering the last changes to there any remote possibility of securing a change in HR while on EP..
2) What would be the best route if I had to give a try...I have tried job portals /consultants...but luck is just not on my side!!!! I receive a response we will get back to you or after they approach me first and I response with my VISA status there is a dead silence....phew!!!
I would be really looking forward to your response (considering human tendency...positive response is great but a reality check will be best
Regardless of whether you decide to continue looking for another job now or wait a while, I'd strongly recommend you read this thread and follow the advice given:
LinkedIn - hints - it works even in Singapore
p.s. Just to mention - it's advice you are looking for; advise is a verb.
Hi Natasha009,natasha009 wrote:Hi Hrprof,
Digressing slightly from your query.. but would you like to share your experience on how you landed a job in Singapore?
I'm an HR professional myself, with almost 7 years of HR experience in MNCs and Fortune 500 companies, but given the clamp down on hiring foreigners, have been finding it exceedingly difficult to get responses from recruiters.
I would need an EP to be sponsored as well. Do share your experience.
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