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by vanillafudge » Fri, 22 Mar 2013 2:27 pm
my son is now 22 months old. up until he was 10 months old, he was breastfed and took formula occasionally. he then went onto formula (similac) till he was 12 months old. during that time we introduced cow's milk to him by putting it into his weetbix for breakfast and he took to it well. from 1 year up, we only gave him cow's milk.
my pediatrician had also advised me to keep him on formula till he was at least 2 years old but i didn't feel it was necessary because he eats normal food well and gets nutrients/vitamins that way. but i have found that it is normal practice in singapore for kids to stay on formula for a long time (till they are 6 or 7) which i do find odd. but they like that formula has added whatevers in it - dha etc etc.
if you want to start introducing cow's milk, i would advise you to do it slowly. start with replacing one feed a day with cow's milk then increase to 2 feeds etc so that they can get used to the texture and taste.
@sunny: i have found from my own experience and heard from friends that different brands of formula have different tastes. if you want to switch your baby to formula, you may need to try a few different ones to see what she likes. i've been told that bellamy's is less metallic/fishy tasting than other supermarket brands.