Hello, thanks for reading.
I accepted a job in Singapore and will soon be filling out an application form for the EP and my partners DP. There is a possibility though that she will have to travel back to UK, soon after getting the DP, for a couple of months before returning to Singapore to live with me and I'm struggling to get a definitive answer if this is acceptable ?
From another website it says:
"As long as the work pass holder is gainfully employed in Singapore, the DP holder is eligible to live in the country as well as leave and enter Singapore freely without having to apply for a Singapore visa every time."
The 'leave and enter freely' bit sounds perfect but i want to make sure that's not over simplifying things. Does anyone know if there are any other rules surrounding a DP holder in that they have to remain in Singapore for x number of days after receiving the pass or that they can't be out the country for more than x days before returning etc...
Many thanks,