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The Expats Will Rule Singapore

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Post by Sergei82 » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 11:05 am

But isn't it doomed to be like that in Singapore, foreigners or not? Singapore is too much business-oriented. Whatever is good for people is automatically equated to business loss. It permeates everything in here. Maybe, sonner or later Singaporeans should look how it is done in Europe (or US) and take the best of it? I know, Europe is ailing, but the standard of living is still higher there.

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 12:42 pm

Sergei82 wrote: I know, Europe is ailing, but the standard of living is still higher there.
But for how long? Europe is a big place? Is it better in a place like say Greece? Or Spain with 25%+ unemployment?

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Post by Mi Amigo » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 12:53 pm

zzm9980 wrote:
Sergei82 wrote: I know, Europe is ailing, but the standard of living is still higher there.
But for how long? Europe is a big place? Is it better in a place like say Greece? Or Spain with 25%+ unemployment?
Good point, but if we go by the 'happiness index' then Spain at least wins hands down. We were there over Christmas and the streets, bars and restaurants were full of people enjoying themselves. Here most people I see on the street look so damn miserable, and if I smile at someone most times they look at me as if I've just fallen out of a tree.
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Post by Brah » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 2:44 pm

Mi Amigo wrote:Here most people I see on the street look so damn miserable, and if I smile at someone most times they look at me as if I've just fallen out of a tree.
While I have to agree, that image you conjured made me laugh my a$$ off!

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Post by Mi Amigo » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 2:59 pm

Brah wrote:
Mi Amigo wrote:Here most people I see on the street look so damn miserable, and if I smile at someone most times they look at me as if I've just fallen out of a tree.
While I have to agree, that image you conjured made me laugh my a$$ off!
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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 8:15 pm

Mi Amigo wrote:
zzm9980 wrote:
Sergei82 wrote: I know, Europe is ailing, but the standard of living is still higher there.
But for how long? Europe is a big place? Is it better in a place like say Greece? Or Spain with 25%+ unemployment?
Good point, but if we go by the 'happiness index' then Spain at least wins hands down. We were there over Christmas and the streets, bars and restaurants were full of people enjoying themselves. Here most people I see on the street look so damn miserable, and if I smile at someone most times they look at me as if I've just fallen out of a tree.
I was actually going to put an asterisk next to Spain and mention how it will be Greece soon, since yes, everyone is partying. But they can't party forever with 25%+ unemployment. That gahmen money will eventually run out.

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Post by Mi Amigo » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 8:40 pm

You'd be amazed at how resourceful and resilient the Spanish are. You should hear my M-I-L talk about what went on in the civil war. Things have a way of carrying on there, and no-one knows exactly how. But there's actually a lot more work going on than the official figures suggest. Every time I've been there over the past couple of years I've expected it to be all doom and gloom, desolation everywhere. But the thing that always strikes me is how relatively 'normal' everything seems, despite the hardship.

My hope is that they won't 'waste a good crisis' and will have the balls to deal with the endemic corruption among the 'ruling classes'. This from the BBC:

Spanish apathy turns to anger at corruption 'epidemic'
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Re: The Expats Will Rule Singapore

Post by JR8 » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 8:50 pm

noskich wrote:Interesting opinion by Adam Khoo: ... singapore/

I have a prediction. My prediction is that in a couple of years, the expatriates (from China, India, US etc…) will rule Singapore. They will increasing take on more leadership roles of CEOs, directors, heads of organizations, award winners etc… If you observe closely, it is already happening now. This year’s top PSLE (Primary School Leaving Exam) student is a China National. Most of the deans list students and first class honours students in the local universities are foreigners and more and more CEOs, even that of government link corporations are expats. The top players in our National teams are expats.

So mark my words, unless the new generation of Singaporeans wake up and get out of their happy over protected bubble and start fighting for their future, the expats (like our great grandfathers) will soon be the rulers of the country. At the rate at which talented and hungry expats are climbing up , our future prime minister may be an Indian or China PR or may even an Ang Moh!

If the above is representative of Singaporean English perhaps they need expats who can correctly read and write Singapore's national language.

I couldn't be bothered to open the article. But based upon the above, is he criticising the government for giving citizenship to foreign sports-'stars'?

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Re: The Expats Will Rule Singapore

Post by nakatago » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 9:09 pm

JR8 wrote:
noskich wrote:Interesting opinion by Adam Khoo: ... singapore/

I have a prediction. My prediction is that in a couple of years, the expatriates (from China, India, US etc…) will rule Singapore. They will increasing take on more leadership roles of CEOs, directors, heads of organizations, award winners etc… If you observe closely, it is already happening now. This year’s top PSLE (Primary School Leaving Exam) student is a China National. Most of the deans list students and first class honours students in the local universities are foreigners and more and more CEOs, even that of government link corporations are expats. The top players in our National teams are expats.

So mark my words, unless the new generation of Singaporeans wake up and get out of their happy over protected bubble and start fighting for their future, the expats (like our great grandfathers) will soon be the rulers of the country. At the rate at which talented and hungry expats are climbing up , our future prime minister may be an Indian or China PR or may even an Ang Moh!

If the above is representative of Singaporean English perhaps they need expats who can correctly read and write Singapore's national language.

I couldn't be bothered to open the article. But based upon the above, is he criticising the government for giving citizenship to foreign sports-'stars'?
I clicked on the link and was greeted by a banner by one of those smug "make-you-rich-if-you-pay-and-attend-my-workshops" gurus (term used loosely). I got so turned off, I closed the browser tab. I'm afraid to do a search now; is Adam Khoo supposed to be important?
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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Mon, 18 Feb 2013 10:55 pm

That was Adam Khoo.

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 19 Feb 2013 1:43 am

Uh-huh [nods].

He's never had a job, apart from marketing himself, has he? 'Oh <squints>, I wonder why that would be?'

Actually, looking at his Wiki page, it seems he perhaps spends most of his waking hours 'looking in the mirror and whacking off' [cough: sorry I mean editing the Wiki entry, which is hilariously laudatory, about this bloke who has never had a job, and doesn't even 'have a Masters'. That's how super-academic he is, he went straight from (allegedly) graduating, to selling himself - amazing really that there are people who will pay to listen to what he has to say].

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Post by movingtospore » Tue, 19 Feb 2013 7:34 am

urbanjungle101 wrote:
movingtospore wrote:All right. I take that back. No idea who the original post was the but the author of the article in question raised some good points. Read before typing..
some REAL talent, indeed.
Late at night, dude, late at night. After a long day of listening to the locals whine about how hard they've got it.

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Post by Addadude » Tue, 19 Feb 2013 12:07 pm

I actually worked with Adam Khoo when he and I joined his dad's ad agency back in 2000. (He naturally enough was appointed MD...) While officially 'working' there he was still running his educational/seminar company and partnering in an events company. After a couple of years Adam realised that his seminars made him FAR more money than his advertising career and he pretty much pulled out.

To be fair to the guy, his "job" was being an entrepreneur and, if making money for himself is any guide, he is very good at it. He's basically positioning himself as Singapore's answer to Anthony Robbins and he's been very successful so far.

He knows how to hype things up in a way that appeals to Singaporeans and this 'article' is a good example of how he does it. Whether there is any real substance beyond the hype is open to some debate but it's hard to argue with his success.
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Post by JR8 » Tue, 19 Feb 2013 5:05 pm

Robbins, oh yeah. He's never had a job either.

Next up:
Kiyosaki. Author of 'Rich dad, poor dad'. Autobiographical but generally believe to be a work of fiction. At least he's seen a bit of life, serving in the Marine Corps.

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Post by nakatago » Tue, 19 Feb 2013 5:08 pm

JR8 wrote:Robbins, oh yeah. He's never had a job either.

Next up:
Kiyosaki. Author of 'Rich dad, poor dad'. Autobiographical but generally believe to be a work of fiction. At least he's seen a bit of life, serving in the Marine Corps.
I hate that book. It never told me how to raise capital to buy a house to fix up and eventually sell at a profit.

It did tell me to buy his expensive as hell board game though (now also on the App Store).
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