Hi All,
I would like to share my friends story and would look for some suggestion :
He moved into a common room in a condo - all well , agreement made for 12 months , subtenant can move out after 11 months .
Now , the other common room was taken up by another person , washroom to be shared . here starts the problem. The other person never kept the washroom clean , things became ugly when he was requested to clean it.
This was brought to the master tenants notice - who declined to help and asked to reslove on their own.
In the meantime Room A friend ( girl) came over , and she was allowed to stay in Room A with an increased rent amount - agreed with the master tenant . ( on mail / sms ) .
However, now a lady using the toilet - the issue became out of proportion - and eventually Room B occupant was asked to vacate - Room A friend took up the other room - Tenure started from July 2012 - till july 2013 - 11 after 11 months of stay one can give a months notice.
Room A requested the master tenant if he can stay at the room for another 4 months post end of tenure , so that both contract ends together to which the master tenant agreed ( ON MAIL - no New Contract ).
Now comes the twist :
Its feb 2013 - under some xyz reason room A occupant wishes to vacate giving a months notice from jan 2013.
Room B ( his friend ) too wished to move out ( forfeiting the security deposit ) - citing family movement .
However, now the master tenent did not agree to let go of Room B occupant , and if she vacates he cited taking legal actions , in shorting rude - threating ... all on mails . As of now she became scared of all these threating and decided to continue till june ( requsting the master tenant to let go one month )
For Room A , strange situation has come up - His legal term ends on Feb 2013 , however , because he had asked if he could stay for another 4 months post completion , which the master tenant agreed - the master tenants agent is citing - those conversations form a legal bond of TA , and his tenancy agreement is not yet over. what he means to say is - his tenancy is moved by 4 months more. Note - no formal rent agreement done . Simply the mail conversation where room A occupant requested and he agreed , dated back to july 2012.
Now , the master tenants agent is terming vacating of Room A as pre-break of contract , and sub tenant has to bring a replacement , at least for the 4 months.
Mail communications , all leading to threating of monetary compensation - legal action , breach of contract cited to be taken against this poor chap.
Reading the above , please suggest what best can be done - and if even this kind of provocation , threating can be legally dealt with.