I am a lecturer in a polytechnic in Singapore. My students have a market research project to determine the consumer behavior amongst Indian Nationals in regards to health supplement products (vitamins, minerals, supplements). The students will need to conduct survey interviews with these individuals.
The profile of our target group is as follows:
a. Indian Nationals aged 50 and above. Male or female. (friends and relatives of Forum members are most welcomed)
b. He or she need not be consuming vitamins or minerals or supplements presently. (in this case we want to understand their perceptions of health supplements)
c. Have been living in Singapore no more than 4 years. (these we would like to have a face to face interview). If they are not living in Singapore, we will need to connect through Skype or other electronic means.
d. Must be conversant in English. (we do not have interpreter!)
If you, Forum member, fit the above profile and are willing to be interviewed, I would appreciate chatting with you.
If you do not fit the profile but know of individuals who are willing to participate in our survey interview, we would also like to chat and meet up.
My contacts:
Wee Eng Soon
Lecturer in Design
Singapore Polytechnic
Tel: +65-67721722
Email: [email protected] [/b]