sundaymorningstaple wrote:There is a better way that I've espoused here before. Make women does a modified form of National Service. e.g, NS men do 21~24 months of active duties and then reservist training annually till they are, for all intents and purposes, 22 years of military duties.
Therefore, to kill a couple of birds with a single stone, I would propose the following changes to the constitution....
Women would be required to marry at the age of 20 or 21 years of age and would be required to have two pregnancies in a period of 24 months. (for which they would be paid just like NS men) This would stop the men whining about how the women where getting ahead of them in this patriarchal society. Additionally, it would bring up the total fertility rate to just under 2.0 (must allow for still born/miscarriages/other deaths/accidents) thereby ensuring future cannon fodder for the military and worker drones in the factories. A pregnancy is 9 months, give or take. add 5 or 6 months between pregnancies and voila, 24 months of Active Service to the nation. The remaining 20 years? NS reservists, for which they would also be paid a stipend as are paid to NS men. At the age of 40 the kids are old enough to start their own cycle.
This removes the corporate ladder whinge of the guys, solves the low fertility rate, ensure manpower for industry and manpower for the military. Of course the following would be need to be enacted to push the program to the needed conclusion.
Flats could NOT be purchased until at least the 1st child was born and would only be allowed to by a 3 room flat. They would not be allowed to purchase resale flats or larger flats or private housing until such time as the second child came along. Thereby ensuring equitable distribution of housing. Singles would not be allowed to purchase ANY
property in Singapore regardless of whether subsidized or private or resale. If they want to remain selfish and not give back to the country then they can immigrate or pay outrageous rental costs or live with their parents.
If Israel can have NS for ALL so can Singapore. But we won't make the women carry weapons (well, they WILL be carrying future weapons carriers though.)
And, as bonuses and freebies are given to NS mean periodically, the same would be done for women as well. Having more than 2 children could result in additional subsidies for housing or educational grants or some other forum of additional compensation for going above and beyond the call of duty.