Dragobrat wrote:Hi. To pose a quick scenario - I am an australian citizen, I then move to SG to reside, gaining an entrepass and forming a SG pte ltd co.
As I understand - any monies I make offshore by invoicing companies for my maintenance related services would be tax free in SG because it is was dervied offshore.
But what happens if I complete the work back in Australia? I guess because I am now NOT residing in aus it should be tax free.
But I have heard mentioned that withholding tax rules might apply?
I contacted a tax lawyer in Aus and they said I might be able to do it but to organise it properly I should document my intentions and that they could write a statement for me for $5000.
Unless you are physically performing the services in another country, then your income is taxable in Singapore. Example: I live in KL and provide project management services to a company in KL. My corporate income is not taxable in Singapore as it is being earned in Malaysia (and the expectation is that I will pay MY tax). Example 2: I live in Singapore and supply project management services to a company in KL via teleconference, email, etc. My corporate income is taxable in Singapore.
If you do any kind of business in Australia, you must have a corporate presence. If you are doing the work via a contracted subsidiary, then you can escape most tax, including VAT. AU tax situation is quite complicated for foreign companies, and if you are going this route, I can put you in touch with an expert who specializes in such matters.