I find it fascinating, your obsession about my job status. Of course I got a job lah. I cook, bake, clean, decorate my house. Plan and research on family vacations. Work with contractors on our "new" home. Pickup, drop off kids at school and other activites. And when the kids have questions about the world, I help them figure it out, alongside them. And when my husband come home from a hard day's work, I offer him hot,steamy.................................... food. So you see, this job requires versatility and having multiple set of skills . And the more well-rounded and flexible I am, the better I will be at this job.
Before this job, I was an accountant, auditor, on my way to getting certified for my CPA. But I quit that career. I prefer to work with my hands and find more meaning in what I currently do. Although the monotony of suburbian life sometimes get to me.
Does that satisfy your curiousity? Or would you like a copy of my resume