First question: I think you parsed this clause wrong, it should be:vink2 wrote:...
or two (02) months rent and hiring in lieu of such notice."[/i]
First question: what does "hiring in lieu of such notice" mean?
Second question: will this work if I decide to terminate my employment, i.e. not my employer terminates me?
"two (02) months rent and hiring, in lieu of such notice", not "rent, and hiring in lieu".
I interpret this to be the costs the LL associates with renting out the unit to you. Namely, they paid their agent a commission for a two year lease. In addition to that two months, they want the pro-rated fees for the remainder of the lease. They've paid the agent for a two year lease, and if they re-engage the agent to find a new tenant, they'll have to pay a fee based on another full lease.