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Offer to move to Singapore

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Offer to move to Singapore

Post by London2012 » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 4:07 am

Hi All

I appreciate there are a number of similar threads on this - i have read them but i am getting close to my cut off point to make a decision so wanted some views - pls be as honest as possible - on my offer

Currently work in London for a international organisation

Been offered to move to Singapore with salary of 110,000 SGD.

I would get 1 month relocation allowance + flight + 1 month in a corp appartment.

However i would not be getting any rent allowance after this.

I am 26, single with no dependents.

I live a pretty social lifestyle (eat out, drinks) in London and am concerned i might not be able to continue this in Singapore due to the rent costs

I would ideally like to live in a 1 bed condo thats within 30 mins to work (office in Raffles Quay).

Any views would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks

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Post by excessuk » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 7:52 am

That would give you circa £4k after tax pcm. I reckon you can rent a one-bed flat in a condo in a decent location for under £2k easily (check

Probably add £500 for services/food/transport and the rest would be for entertainment/travel and any leftovers can be saved for tough times.

I think it's a pretty good deal considering your situation.

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Re: Offer to move to Singapore

Post by noskich » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 9:46 am

London2012 wrote:Hi All
Been offered to move to Singapore with salary of 110,000 SGD.

I would get 1 month relocation allowance + flight + 1 month in a corp appartment.Many thanks
Just curious, would you reveal which industry and job is in question and how many years of experience?

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Post by offshoreoildude » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 9:50 am

I think you'll be ok. Accomodation costs are you're only real issue and that depends on a lot on where and how you want to live. $1000 for a room to $5000 for a 2 bed condo per month. Tax rates are low.
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Post by Cath C » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 1:41 pm

Basically, there are 2 types of accommodation that you'd be looking at renting - either an HDB flat or a condo. HDB flats are cheaper, but not as nice and don't have facilities like swimming pool, gym etc. condos are more expensive but are often brand new and very nice. If you get an older condo (ie more than 10 years old), it will be a bit cheaper, bigger and will also have the facilities, so can be the best of both worlds.

In terms of living costs, cars are extremely expensive and you may decide that it isn't worth it on your salary. Also, electricity is expensive, partly because it's very hot and humid all year round and you need to run your aircon constantly. Other day to day living costs aren't too bad.

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 4:38 pm

Tons of threads like this, use the forum search.

As a young single person planning to go out a lot, a whole condo may not be the best use of your money unless you plan to stay in and entertain yourself at home quite often (doesn't sound like it!). Rent a room in a condo, or an HDB if you don't want roommates. HDB unit will be 30-50% cheaper generally in the same areas, and generally have more local food options nearby and be more convenient to transit options. You can find properly rehabbed HDBs with the same interiors as condos (and you'll find plenty of condos with terrible interiors). The downside is lack of pool (and other "facilities"), and they tend to look ugly outside.

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Re: Offer to move to Singapore

Post by London2012 » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 7:39 pm

noskich wrote:
London2012 wrote:Hi All
Been offered to move to Singapore with salary of 110,000 SGD.

I would get 1 month relocation allowance + flight + 1 month in a corp appartment.Many thanks
Just curious, would you reveal which industry and job is in question and how many years of experience?
Hi - ye its for a Financial Institution - 3 years experience

So all in it seems that if i want nice 1 bed condo i will probably struggle to have enough cash left to socialise but if i am willing to take HDB or flat share then i would
I think the issue for me is that i only really considered Singapore becuase of the quality of life factor (swimming pool, small commute etc) but if to get this i would need to skimp om socialising i am not sureit is worth it for me

Do people think this is a fair assesment?

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 8:27 pm

You can get yourself an average condo in an nicer area for a young person for $4000/month, maybe a bit less if you get luck in your search. The thing to keep in mind too is that 1-bedroom condos don't really exist in Singapore. You'll find claustrophobic studios for a bit under $3k in those same areas, but everything else on the island will for the most part be two or three bedrooms.
Also note people are going to jump in tell you you can find a condo for less, and you can. But as someone slightly older than you also from the west, most of those areas won't meet your lifestyle expectation.

Whether or not Singapore is right for you really depends on what your budgetary/savings expectations are. If you're OK spending 40-50% of your monthly pay on rent, you'll be OK and get the lifestyle you want. Expect to drop $150-300 per night you go out.

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Post by London2012 » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 8:32 pm

zzm9980 wrote:You can get yourself an average condo in an nicer area for a young person for $4000/month, maybe a bit less if you get luck in your search. The thing to keep in mind too is that 1-bedroom condos don't really exist in Singapore. You'll find claustrophobic studios for a bit under $3k in those same areas, but everything else on the island will for the most part be two or three bedrooms.
Also note people are going to jump in tell you you can find a condo for less, and you can. But as someone slightly older than you also from the west, most of those areas won't meet your lifestyle expectation.

Whether or not Singapore is right for you really depends on what your budgetary/savings expectations are. If you're OK spending 40-50% of your monthly pay on rent, you'll be OK and get the lifestyle you want. Expect to drop $150-300 per night you go out.
I think i will try and negotiate some rent allowance on top of my salary. If i can get a SGD2k per month allowance that would set me up nicely i think.

Otherwise it sounds like i will be somewhat struggling by if i want a good 1 bed condo

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 07 Jan 2013 11:55 pm

I'll be honest and say I didn't think 1 bed condos existed (generally). So it doesn't surprise me that if they do they are 'as rare as hen's teeth' and relatively expensive.

I feel it is a point worth making, that sociologically/politically SG does not have or encourage much single person household property. Leave the complex reasons for another time, but just take it that there are not a lot of one bed flats.

So, your search might be easier looking for a 2 bed, and keeping bed2 as a guest room/home office. Or considering taking in a flatmate in bed2. Either would allow you to cast a much wider geographic net for your search.

Good luck, and come back with any/all further questions.

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Post by zzm9980 » Tue, 08 Jan 2013 8:33 am

London2012 wrote: Thanks
I think i will try and negotiate some rent allowance on top of my salary. If i can get a SGD2k per month allowance that would set me up nicely i think.

Otherwise it sounds like i will be somewhat struggling by if i want a good 1 bed condo
Good luck with that. Quite honestly, you're getting a pretty good salary (in Singapore terms) for your three-years of experience. It all depends on your reasons for coming here and wealth-growth expectations.

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Post by noskich » Tue, 08 Jan 2013 9:29 am

zzm9980 wrote:
London2012 wrote: I think i will try and negotiate some rent allowance on top of my salary. If i can get a SGD2k per month allowance that would set me up nicely i think.

Otherwise it sounds like i will be somewhat struggling by if i want a good 1 bed condo
Good luck with that. Quite honestly, you're getting a pretty good salary (in Singapore terms) for your three-years of experience. It all depends on your reasons for coming here and wealth-growth expectations.
Just wanted to write the exactly same comment, but you were faster.
Especially in these times of austerity the offered deal is exceptional.
I hear a few IT people with more than double the years of experience are earning the same or even a bit less.
I would consider a slightly larger package (120K) and I have around 7 years of business experience and 4 years of IT project management experience.

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Post by London2012 » Wed, 09 Jan 2013 6:07 pm

I had a long conversation with HR here in terms of a rent allowance. They were not hugely keen but we came to a deal where i get a SGD3k rent allowance a month for 2 years but if i want to stay after 2 years i lose the allowance.

I think with this i will accept this now as it seems like i should be able to get somewhere OK for 3k a month especially if i top it up a little by myself

Thanks for the advice form everyone, much appreciayed

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Post by JR8 » Wed, 09 Jan 2013 7:17 pm

3 posts, as a result of which you 'make' $72k.

I'd call that a result :cool:

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Post by zzm9980 » Wed, 09 Jan 2013 9:55 pm

You're getting a really good deal.

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