We have a major troll who originally went by the nick sabaisabai, Some of you may have remembered him from last week. He's registered about a dozen different nicks in the past 24 hours or so and is spamming the board with graphic images of gruesome deaths.
A lot of you have already inadvertently opened them I would suppose. We are extremely sorry for this but as he is an M1 user (e.g., Singapore based) we cannot ban his IP address without summarily banning who knows how many normal posters in order to ban one Arsehole.
Now, of late yesterday evening, he is registering, making innocent posts in order to active his PM function and then PM'ing the gruesome graphics to regulars. If you get a PM from someone you don't know (via the board) and don't want to see the garbage he is posting, just send both x9200 and myself the poster's nick and will clean up, but you will have to delete the message yourself as we do not have any access to your mailbox.
How long this will continue is a good question, because idiots never know when to quit.