without having to resort to insults such as dumb and low class. i have enjoyed a bowl of shark's fin soup from time to time, cost is not a factor for me, its about my enjoyment, and its not the taste, but the texture.JR8 wrote:So you enjoy flavourless collagen do you?
Chew your nails oso ah?
Seriously though, if you eat sharkfin soup please explain why as (evidently) I find it a little hard to understand.
Oh dear I seem to have offended the dumb and low class.sensei_ wrote: without having to resort to insults such as dumb and low class. i have enjoyed a bowl of shark's fin soup from time to time, cost is not a factor for me, its about my enjoyment, and its not the taste, but the texture.
no one goes into a restaurant and go.... "hey look at me, i just ordered a bowl of soup!", it would be similar to someone going into a nightclub and saying how big his cock is to every girl.
But who knows what you order amongst a closed group of friends? Or close relatives. What about those who cook at home? Shark's fin on its own isnt very expensive to begin with, its only when it is processed at restaurants who target the kiasuism attitude that it becomes a status symbol.sundaymorningstaple wrote:Actually, I do not have any problem with eating Shark Fin at all. What I have a problem with is the way it is collected. If the whole shark were brought to shore and sold it wouldn't be any different that salmon, tuna, cod or other large pelagic species. But to destroy an animal for what is basically an inedible part of the fish only because it has a auspicious sounding name or some such stupidity only serves to show the world how little regard Asians have for living things in general. Buddhists no less.
ive already mentioned that the texture of shark's fin in the soup is brings me to drink the soup in a previous post, but you were probably too ignorant to read it fully before throwing around more petty insults. it has nothing to do with costs, showing off, silly sounding names that supposedly make me rich.JR8 wrote:Perhaps you can explain why you eat food that does nothing nutritionally for you, and rapes ecosystems. It's about 'look at me, I'm so rich' ah?
Like a penis-comparison thing that little boys do... 'Ooh look, mine is bigger than yours!'. Just you do it as adults.
This is why I have very few Chinese friends in SG I think. They might be rich, but they still have the philosophy of complete peasants.
Why is it so complicated for you?sensei_ wrote: But who knows what you order amongst a closed group of friends?
dont you think this would be solved had we encourage farming of sharks. problem is, no one wants to put in the hard yards of fish farming, citing costs, low ROI and some other red tape nonsense (i tried to set up a fish farm in perth - price was prohibitive and lots of red tape).sundaymorningstaple wrote:the finning and throwing back into the sea the whole shark alive but left to die on the ocean floor that is so barbaric. And it's Asians who do this.
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