S’pore govt should ease restrictions on freedom of expression: HRW
Yahoo! Newsroom – Fri, Jan 27, 2012
http://sg.news.yahoo.com/-s%E2%80%99por ... sion-.html
Singapore’s government should ease restrictions on freedom of expression instead of making excuses not to do so, a US-based human rights group said on Tuesday.
In its annual report released on Monday which assessed progress on human rights in more than 90 countries over the past year, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) pointed out how the government had either dismissed or contested the recommendations to improve its civil and political liberties made by the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process in May last year.
The UN report, it said, had highlighted areas of concerns such as use of preventive detention, defamation suits and restrictions on public protests among others.
“Singapore's claims of exemption from human rights standards are just lame excuses for abuses,”