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Alcoholic Drinks - Personal Preference

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Alcoholic Drinks - Personal Preference

Post by v4jr4 » Thu, 06 Dec 2012 10:54 pm

Well, I don't know where to put this, but here we go: beer vs wine vs sake vs shochu. What's your personal preference? I've read some articles that promote the good side of beer and wine, and it's kinda rare to see an article about sake or shochu.
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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Thu, 06 Dec 2012 11:13 pm

Jack Black air batu!

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 07 Dec 2012 12:06 am

Gin and tonic would be my primo poison of choice, then probably beers from Belgium, and solid red wines.

p.s. In my experience sake/chochu are not really drunk outside of restaurants of that cuisine.

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Post by v4jr4 » Fri, 07 Dec 2012 2:00 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:Jack Black air batu!
Ah, whiskey on the rocks :mrgreen:
JR8 wrote:Gin and tonic would be my primo poison of choice, then probably beers from Belgium, and solid red wines.
Gin+tonic+lime? :mrgreen:
Up to now, I don't know how to acknowledge a good red wine (and white wine too). Although I don't put "Be a sommelier" in my bucket list, I don't know the "sense of euphoria" from drinking wine :-|

Probably Saint knows a lot about sake and shochu
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Post by JR8 » Fri, 07 Dec 2012 8:25 pm

v4jr4 wrote: Gin+tonic+lime? :mrgreen:

Helps keep the scurvy at bay during winter, and in the summer the quinine in the gin fends off malaria, what more could you ask for? :wink:

Up to now, I don't know how to acknowledge a good red wine (and white wine too). Although I don't put "Be a sommelier" in my bucket list, I don't know the "sense of euphoria" from drinking wine :-|

I know what you mean. I think I've only had genuine 'Wow!' moments from wine maybe three or four times. I tend not to buy French wines but IIRC these instances have all been drinking Bordeaux, and each time it is a complete surprise. I think the first time was a bottle of Chateau Talbot, and it was like an epiphany, suddenly, immediately, 'I understood'.

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Post by v4jr4 » Fri, 07 Dec 2012 9:54 pm

JR8 wrote:
v4jr4 wrote: Gin+tonic+lime? :mrgreen:

Helps keep the scurvy at bay during winter, and in the summer the quinine in the gin fends off malaria, what more could you ask for? :wink:

Up to now, I don't know how to acknowledge a good red wine (and white wine too). Although I don't put "Be a sommelier" in my bucket list, I don't know the "sense of euphoria" from drinking wine :-|

I know what you mean. I think I've only had genuine 'Wow!' moments from wine maybe three or four times. I tend not to buy French wines but IIRC these instances have all been drinking Bordeaux, and each time it is a complete surprise. I think the first time was a bottle of Chateau Talbot, and it was like an epiphany, suddenly, immediately, 'I understood'.
Alcoholic drinks tend to be served cold, except for certain cocktails like flaming lamborghini. Never heard of hot beer or wine, but I heard warm/hot sake is pretty nice :mrgreen:

As for wines, there are too many types. I'm trying to pin-point at least one brand, but still, Cold Storage sells too many of them :???:
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Post by JR8 » Sat, 08 Dec 2012 3:23 am

v4jr4 wrote: Alcoholic drinks tend to be served cold, except for certain cocktails like flaming lamborghini. Never heard of hot beer or wine, but I heard warm/hot sake is pretty nice :mrgreen:

Well you do get hot mulled wine, a spiced wine drink, aka gluhwein in Germany. But the trouble is that the heat evaporates off the alcohol rather defeating the object. The solution to that of course is adding a shot (or+) of rum or similar to the mug right at the point of serving. Phooo-ee the fumes sure as heck wake you up! :-D Rather like a hot flask of sake after a day out skiing... ker-wham! :)

As for wines, there are too many types. I'm trying to pin-point at least one brand, but still, Cold Storage sells too many of them :???:

I suppose you have to consider what facets of the flavour you enjoy, dry, rich, oaky, fresh, light, and so on and so on... and follow those. This is what we pay a mark-up to wine merchants for, alas you won't find one in a supermarket...

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Post by Cath C » Sat, 08 Dec 2012 4:09 pm

+1 for G&T.

No, I guess you don't read much about sake and soju here. I used to work for an alcohol company (those were the days... free bar at work...) and we would really only have targeted those in Japan and Korea.

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Post by x9200 » Sat, 08 Dec 2012 6:53 pm

Vodka, wheat beer, champagne, red wine.

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Post by x9200 » Sat, 08 Dec 2012 7:10 pm

v4jr4 wrote: As for wines, there are too many types. I'm trying to pin-point at least one brand, but still, Cold Storage sells too many of them :???:
You have to find your own way. I am only sensitive when it comes to Chablis, Champagnes and Zinfandels. For all the other ones I have never managed to develop any sophisticated taste for and I typically stick to some cheapo Merlots.

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Post by Steve1960 » Mon, 10 Dec 2012 1:58 pm

Southern Comfort at Christmas, rest of the year red wine at the weekends (not really fussy about origin or vintage) or lager if I am watching football in a bar (usually wife beater if I can get it)

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Post by v4jr4 » Mon, 10 Dec 2012 3:42 pm

Cath C wrote:No, I guess you don't read much about sake and soju here. I used to work for an alcohol company (those were the days... free bar at work...) and we would really only have targeted those in Japan and Korea.
Too bad. Maybe they have their own reason not to spread out their own products, but one of my friend who just came back from Japan "suddenly" fell in love with sake :mrgreen:
x9200 wrote:You have to find your own way. I am only sensitive when it comes to Chablis, Champagnes and Zinfandels. For all the other ones I have never managed to develop any sophisticated taste for and I typically stick to some cheapo Merlots.
Cheapo Merlots in 7-11 are kinda strange. Sadly speaking, I can't fully comprehend the taste of a really good wine. Maybe I need to look around Tanglin or Holland Village.
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Post by JR8 » Mon, 10 Dec 2012 7:20 pm

Steve1960 wrote:... or lager if I am watching football in a bar (usually wife beater if I can get it)

Genine lol! I haven't heard that expression for a while.

Wife-beater aka Stella Artois?

p.s. It reminds me of Mekhong whisky, there is something funky about the 6th'ish one that really tweeks your head. I don't mean drunk, I mean you get kinda special powers...

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Post by Addadude » Mon, 10 Dec 2012 8:20 pm

x9200 wrote: You have to find your own way. I am only sensitive when it comes to Chablis, Champagnes and Zinfandels. For all the other ones I have never managed to develop any sophisticated taste for and I typically stick to some cheapo Merlots.
Since watching the movie Sideways, I've never been able to drink Merlot. To quote the character Paul Giamatti plays:

"No, if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any f***ing Merlot! "
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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 10 Dec 2012 8:21 pm

JR8 wrote:Gin and tonic would be my primo poison of choice,
+1 Hendricks and Tonic for me.

I do enjoy a Margarita or Mojito in a group, usually when the occasion calls for drinking with those (generally female) that don't drink often and they don't know what they like, but they want to get drunk (queue 'Like a G6'). Sex on the Beach is also a great drink for those situations, but way too sweet for me.

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