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Taking a cruise before the plunge.

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Taking a cruise before the plunge.

Post by 1tsjad21 » Tue, 27 Nov 2012 5:49 pm

Hi, ever since i came to singapore as a child to see my grandad who lived here i have wanted to move here, i'm 27 and have recently came into a decent amount of money which is finally allowing me to take the plunge,
Anyway, i haven't been to singapore in a few years now and i was wondering if there was some sort of cruise that could go to Singapore that i could take me and my family on to show them where i am moving, plus it will give me a deeper insight into whether i should move or not.
does anyone know any companies that specialise in these cruises, i'm from the u.k.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Post by offshoreoildude » Tue, 27 Nov 2012 8:21 pm

Oh yes tiddly plum old chap. I believe P and O still run their Orient Express from Blighty. CHippity chop old chap down to the Strand and get yourself a steerage pass. Don't forget to say hi to Johnno in Calcutta and take some gin for the planters in Penang. See you at the long bar at Raffles when you land old boy. Ta ta!
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Post by taxico » Tue, 27 Nov 2012 8:58 pm


p/s: sorry. i couldn't help it... still can't. HAHAHAHAAAA

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Re: Taking a cruise before the plunge.

Post by JR8 » Tue, 27 Nov 2012 9:13 pm

1tsjad21 wrote:Hi, ever since i came to singapore as a child to see my grandad who lived here i have wanted to move here, i'm 27 and have recently came into a decent amount of money which is finally allowing me to take the plunge,
Anyway, i haven't been to singapore in a few years now and i was wondering if there was some sort of cruise that could go to Singapore that i could take me and my family on to show them where i am moving, plus it will give me a deeper insight into whether i should move or not.
does anyone know any companies that specialise in these cruises, i'm from the u.k.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hi 1T, and welcome to the forum.

Firstly take the previous motley pair (:wink:) with a pinch of salt, they're just tugging your tail.

I think it would help if you could clarify your situation a little. You're moving for work? You have your employment pass?. You're moving without your family? You're wanting a cruise from the UK to Singapore?

On the face of it I'd say that taking the family on a cruise with a stop-off in Singapore is not the best way to determine whether it is a good place for you to live. But without a better understanding of your situation it is not possible to comment further.

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Post by 1tsjad21 » Wed, 28 Nov 2012 5:29 pm

I don't think i explained myself enough :???:
basically i spent nearly every summer with my grandad from the ages of about 3 to 18 in singapore and i loved it, i would love to buy maybe a summer house or something, luckily i am in marketing and there is a chance to one day work here as we deal with a lot of clients in singapore.
Basically i want to surprise my family with a cruise first and thought it would be a great way to tell them that we could live here for a few months aswell as seeing other places. i just wanted to clarify if there were cruises that go to singapore and what company to use. :oops:

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Post by taxico » Wed, 28 Nov 2012 7:13 pm

i understand you have come into a sum of money recently.

i recommend you check out the main website to look through the property they have on offer (they are also a realty company).

if you have enough money to purchase the type of dwelling that you can (passably) accept as a "summer house" AND are eligible to buy - you may proceed.

you may want to consider living on Sentosa (www.sentosa.comsg) and
it's extremely popular among the nouveau riche. there's a cruise terminal not far from it and berths for landed home owners to dock their pleasure craft on the island.

i'm not sure if owning a home in singapore automatically grants you the right to work there. i'm sure there's a special permit, but you probably want to check out

most times, vacationing some place as a child does not expose you to the realitoes of working in said place as an adult. especially in a place that changes so much so quickly.

good luck, guv'nor!

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Post by 1tsjad21 » Fri, 30 Nov 2012 7:16 pm

Yeah looks like my dreams of spending at least my summers are not going to happen anymore here in singapore, maybe in the future :( i'm still going to treat my family and myself to a cruise that comes here, just because i miss it so much, does this look like a decent cruise? :) ... 84&noint=1

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Post by scarbowl » Sat, 01 Dec 2012 2:28 pm

You won't see a lot on a cruise. A lot of time on the boat and then a few hours down by the marina where the ships dock.

Better to fly in and spend a week. You'll see most of what Singapore has to offer in a week.

Keep in mind that the wonderful times you had as a child were because you were a child being looked after. As an adult, you have to deal with the responsibilities of an adult - it isn't just fun all the time.

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