Hi, I drafted a partnership agreement. Just need a lawyer to look it over and make sure everything's all good. Any help/lawyer recommendation at all is appreciated thank you! Btw in this case, money is an issue, my company is just starting out so I can't afford to pay too much. Thanks!
Hi guys, our landlord is refusing to return our security deposit of $700 if we do not pay him $200+ (2 minutes later he changed his mind and claimed...
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SCT will only allow him to claim a prorated value of the second hand chair and maybe nothing at all. Tell him to bugger off and you'll see him in SCT.
I'm currently working in a startup in Singapore for about 4 years but I'm still under employment pass.
I just received a lucrative offer in Japan and...
Last post
I'd check whether for the Japan job you could do it on a contract basis rather than a standard employment contract.