Yes - I have the same problem. I'll let you know if I can find a solution.sundaymorningstaple wrote:Actually, those can be bought in any local hardware store. In fact I have a bag with about 8 of them hanging in my store room for the sliding bathroom door in the Kitchen toilet. (The water plays hell on the bearings after a while (even embedding them in heavy duty Dow Corning 111 silicone grease. But that one I can handle as I only have to life out the door from the rail as there isn't a high sill like my big glass door and windows. I cannot figure out how to get the damn things OUT of the casement in order to replace them! Short of removing the casement as well, that is. They don't lift high enough in the upper channel to clear the lower channel.
I suggest you drop dead.michellemacdroff wrote:I suggest you to go through the internet search. There are many websites available on the internet which can be very useful to you.
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