the lynx wrote:zzm9980 wrote:It's lower than Giant?
See CostCo is more like a big warehouse, and actually has high quality stuff. It's just that they only sell in bulk, and the selection will vary. For example if the average US Grocery store has 100 different varieties of cereal on average, Costco will only have 30, all top non-generic brands, but you'll need to buy it in these giant boxes 50% larger than the normal size. And sometimes bundled into a two-pack. Like Mayonaise? Same thing, you'll only have 2 or 3 brands, not 10, to choose from, and you're getting 3 liters of it. Fresh organic blueberries? Less than half the price of anywhere else, but you're buying 10 kilo.
Things like electronics and TVs are usually good brands, the second most recent model. Samsung's highest quality 60" LED, but this one only has 4 HDMI, not 5 HDMI ports because it's the one from early 2012.
Target or Walmart are laid out exactly like a Giant, but a few notches up in quality. On 1-10, if 10 is best possible quality and 1 is complete knock-off crap that will fall apart in a few months, I'd mark Giant a 3, Walmart a 4.5, and Target a 6 or 7.
Now that you have compared Giant, Giants in Malaysia are just as bad as Tesco Values in Malaysia (with regular Tescos being better than both). And we have learned from anecdotal experiences NOT to buy electronics from there.
Jusco is the best among them. So if I were to rank (personal preference, really):
Jusco > Tesco > (Tesco Value = Giant)
I thought you do your grocery shopping regularly in Tescos/Juscos in JB? You should be able to notice that.

I cannot speak for the Tesco store in Johor but have just returned from Malacca where we made a point to visit the large Tesco store there hoping to stock up on some 'value' staples there. What a shocking place ! The stench from the 'fresh' meat counter made half of the store unexplorable ! There was a man with a mop on duty clearing up the constant drip of blood and goo from the non-refrigerated chicken pick and mix stall. The fish smelled rotten and I wouldn't give any of the 'fresh' vegetables to my mother in law ! It was unlike any Tescos I have ever been in. There was very little on sale that was branded as a 'Tesco' product and to be honest just felt like any other asian supermarket. As for other stuff like kids clothes - well I have never seen such badly made, unfashionable clothes in my life. For the first time ever since living in this region, I really felt like I was in a third world country !
Back to Singapore, I don't think it is the lack of supermarket choice - Giant, Fair Price, Cold Storage, Shiong Sheng etc but it is more the complete lack of discounting which we are used to in the west. None of them discount to buy market share. Guess they don't have to. Most prices are the same at every shop. That applies to chemists, petrol stations, fashion outlets etc
Can't really see Tesco, Wal Mart succeeding here because the things they sell cheap, BOGOFs etc will still be expensive here - booze, spirits, electrical goods, canned goods, fresh meat, breakfast cereal etc. Not only the tax but also the cost of shipping the stuff kills their margin.
You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone gets to dance with the grim reaper.