yogaloungeforever wrote:some people have small minds. even pea-sized brains. before you even jump to conclusions and getting creative with peep's IM, you should find out further. anyways, you yourself have diverted fr the original thread too.
so much for mi amigoes ....
Wow, why so much vitriol? I only questioned why you reopened a topic that was over half a year old. I apologise if my misinterpretation of your handle caused offence, that wasn't my intention.
Sometimes threads go off-track (especially in this 'Leisure Chat, Jokes, Rubbish' section) and the subject of music and then radio came up as a result of JR8 mis-reading the name of the guy in question and thinking about Alvin Lee (a fine musician who we sadly lost recently). Surely these kinds of free-flow discussions are the opposite of small-minded?
Anyway, yogaloungeforever, sorry if I upset you. Have a good weekend.
Your amigo