The problem is that my real name is pretty unique so that MO will backfire on me. What I do with annoying men who "just don't get it" and also share mutual friends (which can't be avoided too) is that I will verbally give them a wrong e-mail address (with slight twist here and there) and blame it on Facebook friend search engine when they come up and ask me how come they can't find me/add me.zzm9980 wrote:I actually keep two Facebook profiles. One that is impossible to search for, unless you know the exact username and enter the URL to go to it. The second with a fake last name. If you search for my real name, you find a distant 50+ yr old cousin (who is also from the same city I'm from). I actually had one girl one time see me again, and come up furiously saying how I was married with kids. It let me deflect an extremely awkward situation (why I ditched her) into a "well see you found the wrong ____ ____, I'm obviously not him by the photo!"the lynx wrote:zzm9980 wrote: Could be intentional, I've done it21st Century version of giving the wrong phone number.
Guilty too!
What they didn't know is that I've set my privacy settings high enough to make me invisible through friend search and also to "friend of friends". I need to personally add them if they want in.