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Please help me to find John?!

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Re: Please help me to find John?!

Post by the lynx » Fri, 19 Oct 2012 12:01 pm

zzm9980 wrote:
the lynx wrote:
zzm9980 wrote: Could be intentional, I've done it :P 21st Century version of giving the wrong phone number.

Guilty too!
I actually keep two Facebook profiles. One that is impossible to search for, unless you know the exact username and enter the URL to go to it. The second with a fake last name. If you search for my real name, you find a distant 50+ yr old cousin (who is also from the same city I'm from). I actually had one girl one time see me again, and come up furiously saying how I was married with kids. It let me deflect an extremely awkward situation (why I ditched her) into a "well see you found the wrong ____ ____, I'm obviously not him by the photo!"
The problem is that my real name is pretty unique so that MO will backfire on me. What I do with annoying men who "just don't get it" and also share mutual friends (which can't be avoided too) is that I will verbally give them a wrong e-mail address (with slight twist here and there) and blame it on Facebook friend search engine when they come up and ask me how come they can't find me/add me.

What they didn't know is that I've set my privacy settings high enough to make me invisible through friend search and also to "friend of friends". I need to personally add them if they want in.


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Re: Please help me to find John?!

Post by JR8 » Fri, 19 Oct 2012 8:27 pm

the lynx wrote: The problem is that my real name is pretty unique so that MO will backfire on me. What I do with annoying men who "just don't get it" and also share mutual friends (which can't be avoided too) is that I will verbally give them a wrong e-mail address (with slight twist here and there) and blame it on Facebook friend search engine when they come up and ask me how come they can't find me/add me.

What they didn't know is that I've set my privacy settings high enough to make me invisible through friend search and also to "friend of friends". I need to personally add them if they want in.

I am on FB as ''nick-name'+'family name''. Family name as in just that, rather than my last name/surname. I.e. I am unsearchable, but am free to add who I want, which was the original intention.

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Post by zzm9980 » Fri, 19 Oct 2012 8:48 pm

So is that why this guy "JR Eight" that I have a friend request hasn't accepted yet?! :(

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Re: Please help me to find John?!

Post by zzm9980 » Fri, 19 Oct 2012 8:50 pm

the lynx wrote: The problem is that my real name is pretty unique so that MO will backfire on me. What I do with annoying men who "just don't get it" and also share mutual friends (which can't be avoided too) is that I will verbally give them a wrong e-mail address (with slight twist here and there) and blame it on Facebook friend search engine when they come up and ask me how come they can't find me/add me.

What they didn't know is that I've set my privacy settings high enough to make me invisible through friend search and also to "friend of friends". I need to personally add them if they want in.


Oh my last name is extremely unique too. It's a shortened form of something slavic, so nearly anyone in the US with it (not a lot) is somehow related to me. So having one more person with my exact same name in the same hometown is rather interesting. (Funny enough, we both worked for the same MNC about 15 years ago. We always got each others email, and some of his was quite sensitive)

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 19 Oct 2012 9:15 pm

zzm9980 wrote:So is that why this guy "JR Eight" that I have a friend request hasn't accepted yet?! :(

Hehehe.... nice try :wink:

p.s. Here's a strange coincidence.
I used to work for an American bank. Our payslips came in envelopes that revealed name, employee #, and the company name/logo. One month our department's bundle of payslips was accidentally collected from the dept mail out-tray for posting (it should have been in the in-tray, for distribution to the group).

About a week later I had an email from a small retail branch office in the US mid-west saying they had some post for me, and where did I want it sent. Awww I thought, how kind. 'They must have read the wedding announcement in their local paper, that I'm getting married there in a month's time... and maybe they want to send me a card!'.

Nope. My employee # was their ZIP code. And USPS working off the visible company logo delivered it to their office.

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Post by zzm9980 » Sat, 20 Oct 2012 8:30 am

And now the poor smalltown folks know what you made :P

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Post by Asian_Geekette » Sat, 20 Oct 2012 3:42 pm

nakatago wrote:
SallyKemp wrote:Thanks for the Smith tip!
I've searched every John and Jon who lives in Singapore?
I can only rely on fate now.......
Try this:

Or better yet, use the local bird cage liner and take out a full page ad looking for Mr. John the broad-shouldered engineer from Singapore and who was in Bali a week or so ago. :P
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Post by SallyKemp » Thu, 25 Oct 2012 11:56 pm

O.K so I sound like a bunny boiler, but it really is quite innocent. John did take down my details and I know that they are wrong. All I know that he was really kind to me and I liked him.
There really can't be too many John's from the U.K who work as engineers in Singapore. He is a fellow virgo and has dark hair.
I may be acting like a fruit cake but nothing ventured!
A girl doesn't meet many English gentleman of such calibre whilst travelling the globe alone!
Thanks to those who replied. I can appreciate that I sound unhinged but really I'm just looking for John....

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Post by zzm9980 » Fri, 26 Oct 2012 6:06 am

SallyKemp wrote: There really can't be too many John's from the U.K
Oh, there are quite a few. Just go to OT one evening...

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Post by nakatago » Sun, 28 Oct 2012 11:18 pm

SallyKemp wrote:O.K so I sound like a bunny boiler, but it really is quite innocent. John did take down my details and I know that they are wrong. All I know that he was really kind to me and I liked him.
There really can't be too many John's from the U.K who work as engineers in Singapore. He is a fellow virgo and has dark hair.
I may be acting like a fruit cake but nothing ventured!
A girl doesn't meet many English gentleman of such calibre whilst travelling the globe alone!
Thanks to those who replied. I can appreciate that I sound unhinged but really I'm just looking for John....
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Post by nutnut » Mon, 29 Oct 2012 10:18 am

That's very naive to think, I know 2 John's in engineering in Singapore, both of them are similar age to you, neither of them have heard of you.

I don't know any other Johns in SG, come to think of it, I don't know any other engineers in SG.

Therefore, If you extrapolate my figures, that would suggest that by my limited data source, 100% of people in engineering in Singapore are British and called John and none of them know you....

Good luck!

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Post by v4jr4 » Mon, 29 Oct 2012 12:36 pm

SallyKemp wrote:O.K so I sound like a bunny boiler, but it really is quite innocent. John did take down my details and I know that they are wrong. All I know that he was really kind to me and I liked him.
There really can't be too many John's from the U.K who work as engineers in Singapore. He is a fellow virgo and has dark hair.
I may be acting like a fruit cake but nothing ventured!
A girl doesn't meet many English gentleman of such calibre whilst travelling the globe alone!
Thanks to those who replied. I can appreciate that I sound unhinged but really I'm just looking for John....
SallyKemp wrote:Please help me to find a lovely English gentleman who rescued me on a night out in Kuta on 12th October. He flew to Jakarta the next day and took down the wrong Facebook details from me. I am Sally Kemp and not Kent!
A one night event turns out to be a starting point of another set of "adventure". Too bad I'm not John. But even if I am, after reading these posts, I will boost up my defense line.
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Post by JayCee » Sat, 03 Nov 2012 6:08 pm

It's thin pickings for the single western girls here, most won't entertain the thought of an Asian man and most expat guys here have absolutely no interest in them at all, so it's understandable that she's so desperate.

Did he say his surname was Doe?

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sat, 03 Nov 2012 7:05 pm

more like d'oh!

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Post by v4jr4 » Sat, 03 Nov 2012 8:48 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:more like d'oh!
And sing "Spider-pig"?
"Budget Expat"

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