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Dance school recommendations for 4-yr-old boy needed

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Dance school recommendations for 4-yr-old boy needed

Post by singmom » Sat, 13 Oct 2012 12:12 am

My 4 year old son is quite active, loves music, and always seems to be jumping around. I think he may excel in dance if given the opportunity. But I cannot teach him anything about dance. :P

Any recommendations for kids' dance courses and locations would be helpful. We are probably looking more for a broad spectrum, jazz, or tap more than ballet right now. As I know next to nothing about dance, other suggestions are welcome. TIA.

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Post by isabellybelly » Sun, 04 Nov 2012 7:39 pm

My son's interested in dance too, so I've looked into this quite a bit. There are a LOT of girls ballet classes in Singapore but few options for boys. Here are a couple you might try:

1. Beat street studio -
I took my son to visit the studio about six months ago when he wasn't quite ready to go on his own yet. But I met the owner/instructor Jose and had a good impression, so I expect to try his Saturday morning Acro hiphop class. They have other kids classes as well.

2. Jitterbugs -
They have jazz, tap and hip hop starting age 4.

Note we haven't tried any of these (my son just turned 3) but we intend to next year. If you do try them, I'd love to hear about your experiences.

p.s. Have you considered gym classes? Lots of music, jumping around, even stunts on uneven bars. I wholeheartedly recommend The Little Gym (Forum or Marina Square) - their teachers are just phenomenal with kids. They have university degrees and are really child education professionals who guide kids through experiences of pushing their limits and gaining confidence from self-efficacy.

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Post by singmom » Sun, 04 Nov 2012 8:04 pm

Isa: Thx for the recommendations. It's good to know about Beat street studio. A week ago I found Jitterbugs, and I've already signed my son up for their pre-tap/pre-jazz trial class in Nov. So excited for him!

I completely agree with you about Little Gym! My son has been going to their Forum location for almost a year, and he LOVES it! And I love the teachers! I highly recommend them!

I'll try to remember to let you know about Jitterbugs. If I forget, just repost and I'll be prompted. :)

Thx again. :)

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