if the maid has been here for a while, she will know she can find an employer for atleast 700 $ ..nutnut wrote:Sounds like the agency has seen you coming!! Where did your maid find the new employer?
Just thinking aloud, I'm sure the maid and the agency already struck a deal with OP on the determined salary, right? So it is not really on OP's end if the maid deems the salary too low. She agreed to it.sundaymorningstaple wrote:I guess the crucial question, which I noticed you did not provide the answer for, is how little were you paying your maid. Frankly, If you were paying her the minimum required, I don't blame her for throwing you over for a new employer that is prepared to pay more than slave wages.
Additionally, looking at the charges, I'd say the agency saw you coming.....
[Workers rights voice mode on ]revhappy wrote:isnt there a contract and early termination penalties in place for maids?
You are getting fleeced my friend. I've had two maids here and never paid those kind of fees. Certainly not 2x in a row. The second one, we found on our own, via a friend. Used an agency for the paperwork but only paid a few hundred for that as I recall.abc0707 wrote:Hello all,
We engaged an agency at Lucky Plaza, and our first maid did not go well. The agency told us that she can take care of the new born, but end up she could not do much, so we return her to the agency. Then, they gave us a transferred maid. She worked with us for two weeks, but now, she told us she wants to quit, because she cant carry the baby, then after that she told us that another employer offers her a higher salary.
We called the agency, he said there is not much he can do about that ?!?! Is it true or not? Then we just lost the agency fee because he already gave us one replacement
And for the maid, what can we do about her? I think its unfair for a maid come to work, and then just quit like that.
For the first maid, at the agency, we paid 2800 for the loan, and $600 for the agency fee, $280 insurance. After we returned the first maid, this is what he charged us:
1. (first maid) balance placement fee: $2000.
2. Less replacement expanses for (second maid): $486.10
3. Less placement fee for (second maid): $600.
4. Less 2 days lodging fee for (first maid): $30.
The balance is $883.90.
did he overcharge us? And why he did not return our insurance fee, after that he charged us the second insurance fee for second maid...
Please advise what can we do in this situation.
Thanks a lot
And forget about the 'exclusive' clause in the agreement with the Agency, which stops a lot of people from moving to other agentsmovingtospore wrote: You are getting fleeced my friend. I've had two maids here and never paid those kind of fees. Certainly not 2x in a row. The second one, we found on our own, via a friend. Used an agency for the paperwork but only paid a few hundred for that as I recall.
Would suggest you ditch the agency...
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