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Does Anyone Want a Thai American Amity Treaty Company?

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Strong Eagle
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Does Anyone Want a Thai American Amity Treaty Company?

Post by Strong Eagle » Fri, 05 Oct 2012 3:02 pm

Folks, maybe this is a commercial solicitation, and if the other mods think so, then please ax it. OTOH, I'm really just trying to get rid of something that may be of use to others.


My wife and I own a Thai-American Amity Treaty company. Although the treaty is expired, Thailand continues to make this available to Americans.

This is an active company in Thailand, regularly filed returns, registered office, etc, but it has not done business in years. My wife and I are either going to sell it for whatever we can get for it, or we will simply shut it down.

Although Americans can still form an Amity Treaty company, the process is long and drawn out, and is expensive, relatively speaking. It took us eight months to get through all the red tape and approvals, and cost about 5000 Singapore dollars in fees and professional services to get this done. I’ve seen websites offering such a company for less and more quickly… that certainly was not our experience in dealing with both Thai and American entities.

A primary benefit of a Thai-American Amity Treaty company is that you only need one Thai shareholder and that shareholder only needs one share of stock. Of course, you need to have a majority of the stock owned by American citizens.

If you have any interest in this company, please do drop me a note. We're going to pull the trigger on this company about Nov 30.

Thanks for reading.

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Post by baker634 » Tue, 09 Oct 2012 12:54 pm


I am currently living in Thailand and want to establish a business as my contract expires in 6 months. Could you provide more details about the company (what type of business, transfer fees, how to switch owners etc..). I am an American citizen.

I tried to PM you, but need more posts.

Thanks for any help and for answering my questions,


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