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Best schools for 3 children from Australia

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Best schools for 3 children from Australia

Post by vanessabrooker » Wed, 03 Oct 2012 9:33 am

Hi guys,
Just wondering if anyone can give me some feedback/information regarding schools in Singapore. My family and I are moving over in Jan 2013 and have 3 children - 8, 5 and 3. Ive been on almost all the International School websites and am totally confused now about which one to choose. Although I know Tanglin and UWC are not worth trying because of their long waiting lists I have heard that Dover Prep and Avondale GS are good schools. Also wondered about Chatsworth and OFS.

Does anyone have some personal experience they can share with me about these schools or any others that you think might be worth looking at.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. I'm very confused right now!!! Thanks

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Re: Best schools for 3 children from Australia

Post by elspike » Wed, 03 Oct 2012 11:40 am

Hi Vanessa,

Firstly, it is well worth reading back through the posts in this forum and the Education & Enrichment sub forum. There are a number of good posts on the various schools.

That said, there is nothing better than actually going and seeing the schools for yourself. If you have the opportunity to make a scouting trip, make sure you put aside a couple of days to go physically see the schools and have a tour. The websites don't give the full story. They are all very flexible with organising tours, but do try to get a few minutes with the deputy for the school levels (Primary, Middle etc) and if possible, go see the classrooms in action.

Even if you have to pay 2-3k to come up for a few days yourself, it would be well worth the effort and only a fraction of 2 kids tuition.

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