Doesn't this determine everything? If they are looking for some savings the max you can get above your salary is < $A5k.col311 wrote:I know there are lots of threads about this already & have read most.. but wanted up to date information as it seems things are a-changing.
So I'm getting conflicting information about this, on one hand researching through Google says on average that expat packages are now few & far between because of the GFC & the government encouraging local companies to hire locals, but from the forum & from other local sources (friends) there are still many companies offering expat packages.
I'm in the midst of negotiating with my company at the moment. It's a US based software company -- whilst an MNC we are not huge & so don't have the same budgets as companies like Microsoft, Dell etc.
Having said that, right now the situation is the company flies me to Asia every month & on average, each trip costs $A5k. So the company stands to save quite a bit by relocating me here.
Hi,col311 wrote:I know there are lots of threads about this already & have read most.. but wanted up to date information as it seems things are a-changing.
So I'm getting conflicting information about this, on one hand researching through Google says on average that expat packages are now few & far between because of the GFC & the government encouraging local companies to hire locals, but from the forum & from other local sources (friends) there are still many companies offering expat packages.
I'm in the midst of negotiating with my company at the moment. It's a US based software company -- whilst an MNC we are not huge & so don't have the same budgets as companies like Microsoft, Dell etc.
Having said that, right now the situation is the company flies me to Asia every month & on average, each trip costs $A5k. So the company stands to save quite a bit by relocating me here.
They are willing to pay for moving costs, 3-4 weeks in a Serviced Apartment to settle in, airfares for my family & a few incidentals. I'm also getting a salary increase (negotiating that now). But at the moment, the general message is that they don't want to pay school fees nor rent etc. But if there is good evidence that I can find that many Singapore companies are still paying this, then I have something to support me.
Some other brief information.. the company has a registered office in Singapore (& has had for some time) but no one actually there. My job will be to set it up. I'm employing someone that will start in November & my move is set for February.
My role is to manage all of Asia, starting with SE Asia & then later north Asia, so there is still a bit of travel. Obviously the company will continue to pay for all work related expenses but am now trying to negotiate on other perks.
They also said something like they don't consider me to be technically an "expat" because they say it's a one-way ticket! I.e. my plan was to stay in Singapore for 5+ years & by that time, I'll probably change jobs (nature of my job & the industry I am in) but I do want to return to Australia eventually. IMHO they are still expatriating me to Singapore which means I AM an expat no?
Sorry, too many questions.. keen to hear people's thoughts & general experience especially in recent months. Thanks
My primary advice is to go in hard, because once you've settled the deal it's far too late for regrets and comebacks six months down the track.col311 wrote:Thanks for your comments. I think you misunderstand me. $5k is not what they are going to pay me.. I get paid a salary plus comms now plus they pay $5k/month for travel. They are not going to take my salary & comms away, that would be ridiculous! Just as a reference, my package right now is WELL into the P1 salary range.. But I'm trying to negotiate a better package as rightly so, I'm well set up here with a family & a great place that we live & my wife has a senior job also, so we'd be sacrificing a bit to move over.
My company will increase my base to move but all friends over there are saying to try to negotiate the best expat package I can get.. The company is basing its offer on current research into what other companies are currently offering so am trying to find whether there are companies that are still offering expat packages & under what circumstances.
The company stands to benefit greatly from my relocation - not just in travel savings & tax breaks but also as I will be great deal more effective in my role being in region rather than managing it remotely from Oz & only being in region a quarter of the time.
The phrase in the bracket is related to the phrase preceding the brackets, i.e he can't see how you could possibly forget itcol311 wrote:Not sure what you mean by the phrase in the brackets zzm9980. Do you mean it's not possible to pay for a mortgage in another country? I know that it is..zzm9980 wrote:And don't forget (although I can't see how the OP would) that if you're paying down a house in Australia..
Yeah, exactly this. And those are paranthesis. Brackets are square [ ]. (Unless they're curly brackets: { })revhappy wrote:The phrase in the bracket is related to the phrase preceding the brackets, i.e he can't see how you could possibly forget itcol311 wrote:Not sure what you mean by the phrase in the brackets zzm9980. Do you mean it's not possible to pay for a mortgage in another country? I know that it is..zzm9980 wrote:And don't forget (although I can't see how the OP would) that if you're paying down a house in Australia..
I believe that you should get AT LEAST $A5k more for relocating.col311 wrote: Having said that, right now the situation is the company flies me to Asia every month & on average, each trip costs $A5k. So the company stands to save quite a bit by relocating me here.
Hi Steve, I think you are right.. this is what the company's stance is at the moment.. the relocation is technically a "one way ticket" as they will not bring me back as there is no job for me back here in Australia. Whilst I'm obviously going to try to get as much as I can, I think my fall back point is that they move all my things over, pay for my family's airfare there, & pay for a Serviced Apartment for a few weeks whilst we get the condo ready.. they have at least offered this.. they'll also pay for my transport (taxis) as well as all work related costs - internet, phone etc..I also want to push for advanced pay to cover upfront costs such as deposit on the condo etc. In Oz you can pay these things on Credit Card, I hear you can't in SG.Steve1960 wrote:From experience in the company I work for there was also a big difference between secondment (for a fixed period) and relocation (in theory at least forever).
An example would be air fares for trips 'back home'. Yes under secondment, no for permanent relocation. Same with paying the housing rental costs.
I focused on three main things. The cost of moving my family and belongings to Singapore, salary and the exchange rate at which the new salary would be calculated.
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