Thanks for your prompt reply.revhappy wrote:I believe you have only 2 options:
1) Entre Pass
2) PR
I believe, Entre pass is quite strict in terms of amount of investment. So unlikely that this route will work for you. So the only realistic route is to apply for PR and wait/hope for its approval
Much appreciated!x9200 wrote:Read this:
x9200 is correct. There are no such thing call sole-proprietorship pass.huangliuyu wrote:I was confused.
I read carefully in the thread, that lalancaster1 has applied sole-proprietorship successfully in Thu Oct 14, 2010.
"sole-proprietorship" should mean that it is legal to start business as a DP, and can sign LOC.
I do not mean to do any illegal things here in Singapore, that's why I come here for consultancy.
Or the sole-proprietorship case is too old for present policy from MOM?
Thanks and best regards
This is not correct advice for the OP and only confuses the issue. A person who holds a DP is not a foreigner under the meaning of this section of text. It refers to someone who has no pass, no right of residence in Singapore. A DP has, or can apply for a SingPass.therat wrote:x9200 is correct. There are no such thing call sole-proprietorship pass.huangliuyu wrote:I was confused.
I read carefully in the thread, that lalancaster1 has applied sole-proprietorship successfully in Thu Oct 14, 2010.
"sole-proprietorship" should mean that it is legal to start business as a DP, and can sign LOC.
I do not mean to do any illegal things here in Singapore, that's why I come here for consultancy.
Or the sole-proprietorship case is too old for present policy from MOM?
Thanks and best regards
sole-proprietorship is not a work permit pass.
You had confused.
Read below to understand what is sole-proprietorship and what is need to apply for sole-proprietorship.
Foreigner Registering a Sole-Proprietor/Partnership ... ership.htm
A foreigner, who would like to register a Sole-Proprietorship in Singapore, is required to appoint a locally resident manager whilst he continues to reside outside Singapore.
If a foreigner wishes to register a Partnership in Singapore whilst he continues to reside outside Singapore, there must be a least a locally resident partner in the business firm. If all the partners are foreigners, a locally resident manager needs to be appointed.
MOM will not issue an EntrePass to a foreigner who wishes to register and run a sole-proprietorship or partnership. Foreigner who wishes to set up a business and be present in Singapore to manage its operations is strongly advised to seek approval from MOM before registration. Even if you have successfully registered a business with ACRA, MOM may still refuse your application for a pass subsequently.
The *person carrying out the business is required to engage the services of a professional firm (e.g. lawyers, accountants, chartered secretaries) or a service bureau (e.g. DP Bureau) to submit the online application on his behalf if any of the partners does not have SingPass. Only an individual with SingPass can proceed to submit any online transactions or perform the required endorsements via BizFile (ACRA’s online filing system). They will need to log in to BizFile using their identification number (NRIC or FIN no.) and SingPass.
(*Any person above the age of 18 years old with effect from 1 March 2009 can be a Sole-Proprietor or a Partner)
Any foreigner who wishes to work in Singapore as an employee would have to apply for an appropriate work pass eg. an Employment Pass from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
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