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I've been to a dozen websites and I cannot find anything to give me a reasonable price point for a used laptop.
Hardware wise, it's an HP DV6-3011 TX, a 15 inch screen with second gen I7, 4 gigs of memory, ATI graphics, and a 500 gig disk.
Software wise, it comes with Win 7, 64 bit professional, Office 2007 Pro, Visio 2003 Pro, MS Project Standard 2003, all legal, legit, and with CD's.
The thing is a little more than 2 years old. I can't figure out what it's worth. On EBay, most of the stuff is based in the USA, from S$200 (way too low) to new stuff in the S$2K range.
Yes, the PC is older but current technology, and the software cost more than S$2000 to purchase... so... to all the experts out there... what's it worth?