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MOM tightens Employment of Foreign Manpower Act

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MOM tightens Employment of Foreign Manpower Act

Post by zzm9980 » Wed, 12 Sep 2012 10:11 am

Bunch of new regulations that criminalize a lot of the things shady employers do, giving MOM sharper teeth. Most of them won't affect this forum's users (unless a lot of the posters here run shady shell companies?). A few though possibly...

Those using maids improperly (Part-time weekend cleaners?):
The MOM will adopt same penalties for employing illegal immigrants under the Immigration Act, which includes a fine of up to $6,000, an imprisonment term of six months to two years, and mandatory caning for offenders that hire more than five foreign workers.
Those with 'Masters' from not quite 'very famous' universities:
Foreign workers who submit forged educational qualifications for S Pass and Employment Pass applications will be subject to a maximum fine of $20,000 or to a maximum imprisonment term of trwo years, or both.
Bunch of other stuff too. Search Google for the topic name, to find a link to the local crap tabloid that can't be linked.

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Re: MOM tightens Employment of Foreign Manpower Act

Post by v4jr4 » Wed, 12 Sep 2012 10:18 am

zzm9980 wrote: Those with 'Masters' from not quite 'very famous' universities:
Foreign workers who submit forged educational qualifications for S Pass and Employment Pass applications will be subject to a maximum fine of $20,000 or to a maximum imprisonment term of trwo years, or both.
Bunch of other stuff too. Search Google for the topic name, to find a link to the local crap tabloid that can't be linked.
Ah. So, it has come to this. From the other forum, I saw some banned threads offering for forged certificates from eligible colleges and universities :-|
"Budget Expat"

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