Horseshit. I gave up a job earning over $300,000 a year in Australia for a job on less than half to raise a SC child that my ex wife stole from me. I adopted an abandoned SC baby to give her a chance in life. I've paid roughly $100,000 in income tax and much more in GST. I have NOT benefited from being a PR and frankly that's the type of PR's Singapore needs; those who are here for more than financial reasons. You? You're just a bloody user and loser who wants to suck of the PAP teat while sticking your cock in other men's poopers. Go to hell.vestapo wrote:offshoreoildude wrote:I'm not having some newbie tell me about Malaysia. I've been around long enough to know the difference between SG and MY. My point - which you seem to have missed - is that MY appears to be coming up. I was surprised at how much it seems to have moved and I was certainly surprised at the quality of the factory I was in. And Vestapo - - don't you DARE criticize my loyalty to Singapore. You have no idea of how much I've put into this little red dot.vestapo wrote: Like it or loathe it, you chose to live in Singapore, so do not say such thing as "sinking ship" to describe the country that give you the chance to earn a living here for years. You have been here for a long time and enjoyed so many benefits from this country yet once things are changed in the way that is not comfortable for you, the first thing you think of is to move to another greener pasture! 10% of PR have been here for over 20 years yet never consider to take Singapore citizenship, are you one of them? And stop being arrogant here, using the word sh*t just show what kind of person you are!
If you are truly lawyal to Singapore, you should have taken the most important step to naturalize and become a Singaporean, not to sit on the fence and enjoy the best of both worlds. If you still want the cake and eat it too, one cannot help but question your motive of getting the PR many years ago as you are also like any other foreigners who treat Singapore as a work dormitory instead of a home.
No matter how much you contributed Singapore, you have also reaped more benefits from it, it is just business after all!
Best of both world? If your "best" is just eligibility to buy a resale HDB, pay CPF, and have a perma-PEP, then sure.vestapo wrote:offshoreoildude wrote:I'm not having some newbie tell me about Malaysia. I've been around long enough to know the difference between SG and MY. My point - which you seem to have missed - is that MY appears to be coming up. I was surprised at how much it seems to have moved and I was certainly surprised at the quality of the factory I was in. And Vestapo - - don't you DARE criticize my loyalty to Singapore. You have no idea of how much I've put into this little red dot.vestapo wrote: Like it or loathe it, you chose to live in Singapore, so do not say such thing as "sinking ship" to describe the country that give you the chance to earn a living here for years. You have been here for a long time and enjoyed so many benefits from this country yet once things are changed in the way that is not comfortable for you, the first thing you think of is to move to another greener pasture! 10% of PR have been here for over 20 years yet never consider to take Singapore citizenship, are you one of them? And stop being arrogant here, using the word sh*t just show what kind of person you are!
If you are truly lawyal to Singapore, you should have taken the most important step to naturalize and become a Singaporean, not to sit on the fence and enjoy the best of both worlds. If you still want the cake and eat it too, one cannot help but question your motive of getting the PR many years ago as you are also like any other foreigners who treat Singapore as a work dormitory instead of a home.
No matter how much you contributed Singapore, you have also reaped more benefits from it, it is just business after all!
Truer words were never spoken. Lots of spouses here that are on Family Ties PR are in that situation.the lynx wrote:vestapo,
Just one note, in case you happened to ignorant of this.
Some of the PRs here can't be citizens because the government just won't let them be.
(too old, not the right race, still makes the mint to be considered to be renewed for REP).
Please refrain from insulting others here if you want to salvage the remains of your credibility here.
A loaded PR who contributes a lot to the little red dot (like giving son, own a house) can't be SCs due to their race. Pretty strange for me.sundaymorningstaple wrote:Truer words were never spoken. Lots of spouses here that are on Family Ties PR are in that situation.the lynx wrote:vestapo,
Just one note, in case you happened to ignorant of this.
Some of the PRs here can't be citizens because the government just won't let them be.
(too old, not the right race, still makes the mint to be considered to be renewed for REP).
Please refrain from insulting others here if you want to salvage the remains of your credibility here.
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