Good Day Fellow Expat
Here is my story and Really hope you can give me some advice.
I am currently on E Pass now and my son is on Dependent Pass and my wife on Long Term Visit Pass.
Next Week we will renew my pass and the HR say it will be only S pass now and due to the new rule in MOM that only those who are earning above 2,800 will be granted dependent pass, so both my son's dependent pass and my wifes long term visit pass will also be cancelled along with my current EPass.
So from EPass to SPass right.
My concern is I already planned to enroll my son in a School next year he will be K2 and he just turned 5 this year.
Can anyone help me if they know should I apply for student pass now that he still have his Dependent Pass or should I wait for them to cancell my pass and then apply for Student Pass,
Do you think ICA will approve the Switch from Dependent to Student Pass, what are the complications of having a student pass compared to a dependent pass.
I just want to stay with my family and i think this is the only way they can stay, once the student pass has been approved my son can apply for long term visit pass for his mother right?