I was hoping you guys could offer your views on whether it is a good idea to get a PEP and come over to Singapore then look for a job, as opposed to trying to secure a job from overseas (Australia in my case).
I seem to meet the criteria for gaining a PEP, so let's just assume that I will be successful in gaining a PEP (of course, in reality this would not be a given).
Briefly, I currently (for the last 4 years and counting) work in the finance sector as a senior business analyst, in which I have experience in corporate transactions and financial modeling. Prior to this I spent 3 years at a 'Big 4' Accounting firm, where I gained my Chartered Accountant designation (I think you guys refer to this is as CPA). I am currently studying towards a Masters in Applied Finance, with 1 year to go.
I would be looking to get a job in the financial services sector - ideally a global bank, or perhaps in industry in the strategy / corporate finance side of the business (as I am currently).
Do you think that actually being on the ground in Singapore, PEP in hand, would give me a better chance of landing a decent job than applying from overseas? My thinking is that I already have approval to work, and I am already there in Singapore (easier to interview and can start immediately), therefore I would be a more attactive candidate in this case.
Also, in this case, would I still be disadvantaged compared to a local with a similar skillset? Or could it be more appealling that I come with 'international experience' (read 'outside of Singapore'), having also studied at a reputable university in Australia? I have seen on a few posts that many firms just want to hire locals - does this include MNC firms?
Finally, are there any alternative paths I could consider??
Apologies for the lengthy post, but beers on me if the information provided leads to landing a decent job over there!!

Thanks very much in advance.