Hi all, I will need some advices for my case
Female, 24yrs old, Singaporean Chinese
Diploma holder in Singapore polytechnic
$3.2k mthly salary, 1yr of income tax assessment
Male, 31yrs old, Malaysian Chinese
Diploma holder from Malaysia institutions
Holding certification of performance from Singapore polytechnic, related to his current job
$2.4k mthly salary, 2yrs of income tax assessment
Currently wp holder, had been working in Singapore for the past 6yrs as wp, applied s-pass in 2011/2012 before but unsuccessful
We would like to go into marriage, and I had also read from previous post that, by MOM regulation we will have to apply for permission to marriage, so I'm just concern, through our profile, what will be the approval chances? And what is the conditions that MOM will take into consideration for approval? Any other informations that we can provide to aid in the application? Is there any department or anyone that we should look for in the MOM for the application or advices?
As for PR application, for his case, there is no other way he will be able to apply it accept through spass or family ties? Is there such cases from WP direct apply to PR without family ties or Spass?
Many thanks.