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Need Advice on Employment Issue... Urgent

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Need Advice on Employment Issue... Urgent

Post by vijay56 » Thu, 16 Aug 2012 3:05 pm

Dear Team,
I am in Singapore from past 3 months . I got job offer on my DP along with LOC and I signed the offer with the consulting company. In the offer the Notice period cluause stated that the notice period will be started from the day I signed the offer and if I cannot join them then I need to pay 1 month salary to the consultacy. My joining date is not yet confirmed.

But now I got other offer and they process my EP, and now I had my Q1 pass. And I am going to cancel my DP.

So my question here is am going to reject the first offer now, do they create any problem for me? What will be the best way to convey this to them?

Please suggest me.

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Post by nutnut » Thu, 16 Aug 2012 3:49 pm

In Singapore, the contract very much is the word of the law in these kinds of matters, so if you signed to say that you were willing to accept the 1 month notice period, then you have to honour that. If you do not honour it, then expect them to come after your money!

I know my previous company did something very similar to a person who never started for them and they were charged a full month salary, the person opted instead to work the notice for 1 month and take the payment.

It's up to you, if the company aren't ready to start you yet, then you should be fine.

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