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Question about Work Contract & Health Insurance

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Question about Work Contract & Health Insurance

Post by klemm » Mon, 13 Aug 2012 10:14 pm


I'm french, and I will be moving to Singapore soon, to work there for 1 or 2 years. My work contract include a health insurance, but I don't know if it covers only accidents/illness while in Singapore, or if it also covers accidents when I come back to France to visit my family, for example.

The work contract only says "You will be placed on Plan A under the 2007 Medical Benefits Scheme". I've googled this, but found no useful results. Do any of you know what is covered exactly?

Otherwise, do you have any advice for another health insurance in Singapore, that would also cover me when I go to France ?

There is a French organism that would provide that coverage, but it's quite expensive (approx. 3125 SGD per year), it is likely that I will have something cheaper by subscribing to an health insurance in Singapore?

Thank you in advance.


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Re: Question about Work Contract & Health Insurance

Post by the lynx » Mon, 13 Aug 2012 11:00 pm

klemm wrote:Hello,

I'm french, and I will be moving to Singapore soon, to work there for 1 or 2 years. My work contract include a health insurance, but I don't know if it covers only accidents/illness while in Singapore, or if it also covers accidents when I come back to France to visit my family, for example.

The work contract only says "You will be placed on Plan A under the 2007 Medical Benefits Scheme". I've googled this, but found no useful results. Do any of you know what is covered exactly?

Otherwise, do you have any advice for another health insurance in Singapore, that would also cover me when I go to France ?

There is a French organism that would provide that coverage, but it's quite expensive (approx. 3125 SGD per year), it is likely that I will have something cheaper by subscribing to an health insurance in Singapore?

Thank you in advance.

You will need to ask your HR to provide you the write-up of this policy. Only he or she has the information.

If it covers the time when you're outside of Singapore, say, France, then it is ok. However if it doesn't, I suggest you can take up a decent travel insurance to cover you when you're outside the country of residence (in this case, Singapore).

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Post by beppi » Tue, 14 Aug 2012 5:05 pm

Health insurance coverage and conditions vary from company to company. There is no standard or legal minimum coverage, as in most European countries. So only your company can tell you the details.
In general, employer-provided health insurance in Singapore covers much less than what is standard in Europe. International coverage is rare.
3125 S$/year is cheap for an international policy. Is it really an organism that provides it?

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Question about Work Contract & Health Insurance

Post by poppy2512 » Mon, 03 Sep 2012 12:29 am

Hey Klemm,

International coverage doesn't come cheap. In singapore, health insurance plans are yearly renewable. I know Prudential does provide coverage for Singapore and in Malaysia, in terms of hospital care. Accidental plan should cover you while you are in France too. AXA do provide global coverage but its a few thousands dollars a year.

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Post by b8pe » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 4:59 pm

i believe your work contract health insurance does not cover you abroad.

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Re: Question about Work Contract & Health Insurance

Post by evelynnf » Sun, 18 Nov 2012 11:14 pm

Hi there,

I came across your thread on questions about work contract and health insurance and have some answers to your question.

Some work insurance only covers their workers during work, this you have to check with your human resource on what kind of insurance you are under and what benefits you are covered under. Work insurance usually do not cover worker when they are overseas, unless maybe for work purposes. Most of the accident and health insurances do cover the life assured when they are overseas (except when life assured is overseas for more than 3 months).

Hope this answers your question.

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