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problem of issue cheques

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problem of issue cheques

Post by meicatlmp » Fri, 13 Jul 2012 12:58 am

Hi all out there,

I have to issue about 15 cheques every month. Giro payment is out because i need to keep good record tracks of all the cheques i issued. Can anyone suggest a better way of issue cheques instead of handwritten?

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Post by Allibert » Fri, 13 Jul 2012 8:09 am

15 cheques a month? Wow, that's like one every other day and it takes you like one minute to write a cheque? Every other day? I didn't know life here in Singapore could be soooooooo challenging.

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Re: problem of issue cheques

Post by x9200 » Fri, 13 Jul 2012 8:30 am

meicatlmp wrote:Hi all out there,

I have to issue about 15 cheques every month. Giro payment is out because i need to keep good record tracks of all the cheques i issued. Can anyone suggest a better way of issue cheques instead of handwritten?
Why not a bank transfer?
If you insist on cheques then create suitable templates under any popular word processor and use your home printer. Majority of inkjets/laser printers can handle this kind of job.

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Re: problem of issue cheques

Post by kaformail » Sat, 14 Jul 2012 1:29 am

x9200 wrote:
meicatlmp wrote:Hi all out there,

I have to issue about 15 cheques every month. Giro payment is out because i need to keep good record tracks of all the cheques i issued. Can anyone suggest a better way of issue cheques instead of handwritten?
Why not a bank transfer?
If you insist on cheques then create suitable templates under any popular word processor and use your home printer. Majority of inkjets/laser printers can handle this kind of job.
No need to do it youself, use this one:
they have a cheque printing template, and all banks alignment are builded in, my compnay issues many cheques every month, this one helped us a lot.

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Post by x9200 » Sat, 14 Jul 2012 9:57 am

I would still do it by myself especially if this is a frequent sort of task. You don't give to a third party financial information about yourself and esp. your company without a good reason, 2ndly, you need to rely on someones else services and all what it takes to set up it in your private house is like 1h of work. If your company use their free services I would say it is rather unprofessional.
Unless of course your company is the company.

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