zzm9980 wrote:
I think you're trying to pass off your own personal experience / lack of success as fact, which is an ignorant (in its own way) thing to do. It makes you just as guilty of being part of that "anti brain" movement you're talking about as the drunken party girls I think you exaggerate the quantity of. And if you're really worried about "anti brain", this might not be the right place for you to look for love.
Move out of Arizona to a real city and I think you'd be happy. One of the coasts, or Chicago, would do you wonders. Before then, spend six months backpacking abroad to get your cultural fill.
The ironic thing is how well I understand my own illogical behavior, and will aproach an idea I truly know is illogical in a rational and logical way...
At least through my stupid ideas I learn a thing or two.
I don't really view being ignorant as a negative thing, it just means I have something else I need to learn. Being ignorant and curious is good, being ignorant and thinking you know everything is bad.
But in the end I am just angry and bitter that I spent the last 4 years of my life doing something that is now preventing me from being happy.
So as much as I would like to run away from my problems, I will eventually just face them and go back to California.
and for the record, Phoenix is a real city...
x9200 wrote:(Tony3d) Did you miss the irony in the lynxe's message or did I missed something?
I totally got it, I don't think my sarcasm about my own country came off as clear, but that is probably my own fault.
zzm9980 wrote:
No, I think Tony3d is just sheltered. I've met plenty of girls who would meet the criteria he's looking for in the states. He's just not looking in the right places honestly.
I guess that depends on what you mean by "sheltered". If the fact that I have been spending way too much of my time working instead of going out and socializing and meeting girls, so I have very little expereince, then I couldn't agree more.
If you are saying that I lack other life expereinces then in that case your assumption would be wrong.