x9200 wrote:nakatago wrote:x9200 wrote:
I would hire somebody with MBA and years of experience. Your friend different, huh.

It was an XOR question.
Exactly. How this proves or denies a value of MBA?
I'm not sure I'm following your line of thought.
The anecdote was to illustrate that given two exclusive choices, which one would seem more attractive--one that is tried and tested or one that should work on paper. An MBA only assures a potential value, but if that value is realized, depends on the person wielding it. Also, one can realize the value of an MBA without having the MBA itself--hence, the guy with the experience but no degree. The converse will also hold--a guy with an MBA but doesn't know how to apply that knowledge.
If the experience and the title are both in one candidate, then good. But if a hiring manager only has to choose one (can't have both), he's better off getting the guy with the track record.
Hence, an MBA does not necessarily add value. Like a weapon, it's only effective if the user knows how to wield it properly.