Because you didn't have a sticker and got the spot he felt fully entitled to use. The fact he doesn't have a sticker and legally had just as much (or as little) entitlement to that spot probably meant nothing in his mind.bloodymiko wrote: I'm really puzzled, then i checked if his car has the disabled/handicapped sticker, he didn't have it. So why is he staring at me all the time?
bloodymiko wrote: Then at this time, there is another car who drove by and both the male driver and his wife stared at me. I was wondering why are they staring at me so sternly? Then the man drove his car very very close to mine, almost scratching the front part of my car. All this while, he was still staring at me.
Seriously nobody likes to be stared at...zzm9980 wrote:Because you didn't have a sticker and got the spot he felt fully entitled to use. The fact he doesn't have a sticker and legally had just as much (or as little) entitlement to that spot probably meant nothing in his mind.bloodymiko wrote: I'm really puzzled, then i checked if his car has the disabled/handicapped sticker, he didn't have it. So why is he staring at me all the time?
actually i had wanted to step out of my car and ask if they urgently need the lot but everything happened so quickly..... first i had to figure out why are they staring at me, then i got sort of a nasty shock when he drove pass my car so closely and screeching. Then i'm wondering what are they trying to do? (at this moment then i just turn on the main lock to lock all my car doors - geez... maybe i think too much lah...)JR8 wrote:bloodymiko wrote: Then at this time, there is another car who drove by and both the male driver and his wife stared at me. I was wondering why are they staring at me so sternly? Then the man drove his car very very close to mine, almost scratching the front part of my car. All this while, he was still staring at me.
It's the classic death-stare treatment. Singaporean passive-aggressive behaviour. They won't stop and say anything, just glare at you in the hope of intimidating you.
I find giving them the finger often breaks their spell, or heavens forbid walking over and speaking to them.
Thing is, it's apparently not and the government has been doing what it can to remedy it, albeit fruitlessly.bloodymiko wrote: I feel that being a gracious society, perhaps such actions is really uncalled for.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
They're Chinese, so it's a war to be won rather than a discussion to be had.bloodymiko wrote:.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
Hope that our society can strive towards this goal... we have got to start from somewhere....nakatago wrote:Thing is, it's apparently not and the government has been doing what it can to remedy it, albeit fruitlessly.bloodymiko wrote: I feel that being a gracious society, perhaps such actions is really uncalled for.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
Oh Gosh! How did you know it? I don't think i mentioned it anywhere...JR8 wrote:They're Chinese, so it's a war to be won rather than a discussion to be had.bloodymiko wrote:.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
Wasn't difficult.bloodymiko wrote:Oh Gosh! How did you know it? I don't think i mentioned it anywhere...JR8 wrote:They're Chinese, so it's a war to be won rather than a discussion to be had.bloodymiko wrote:.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
Haiz... actually i hoped that i wont have to encounter them again as my grandparents are often at my relatives' place and since i'm staying near that area, i often volunteer to pick them up.... my aunt and uncle are usually the ones who ferries them around but since they are working personnel.... doing so helps to lighten their responsibilities load..... esp when my granny likes to stay till rather late before going home.....the lynx wrote:SIGH! I seriously don't get these people.
First he didn't have the sticker just like yourself.
Second, he didn't make an effort to communicate with you that he needs that lot (and no, staring is not a viable form of communication).
And the best part, the wife didn't exactly escort the man all the way up. so they are just as heartless as they think you might be.
And they think they have done the society justice by staring and behaving passive-aggressively towards you?
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