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Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

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Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by bloodymiko » Sat, 23 Jun 2012 11:45 pm


I would like to find out more about the usage of the disabled/handicapped parking space/lot.

Firstly, I do not have the handicapped sticker/label to stick on the car as I'm not a disabled or handicapped driver. But my grandparents both are having difficulties walking as one is wheel-chair bound while the other sometimes need a wheel-chair or the 4-legged walking support.

There was this once when it happens that both are at my relative's place and I'm fetching them home one night. All the available lots were taken up, even the handicapped lots. Finally I waited and one driver went off from one of the handicapped lot and I went ahead to park in it before I called my grandparents to come down to where I parked.

This was at the carpark where there is this area allocated for parking with only 2 lanes for incoming and outgoing cars with a continuous single white line in-between where I'm not supposed to park/wait on either side of the road. I don't have the sticker so i can't just park and leave the car there to go fetch my grandparents.

As both requires some time to get ready to come down with some assistance so I can only wait for them. Then at this time, there is another car who drove by and both the male driver and his wife stared at me. I was wondering why are they staring at me so sternly? Then the man drove his car very very close to mine, almost scratching the front part of my car. All this while, he was still staring at me.

Then his car screeched and stop in front of my car and still staring at me. I'm really wondering what's wrong with this man. Then an old man came down from the car with a walking stick, then I realized why he's been staring at me. I wanted to get off my car and ask if he needs the parking lot so since I'm waiting so let him go first, but his wife came down from the car and stared at me and then he quickly drove round and parked his car opposite mine.

I'm really puzzled, then i checked if his car has the disabled/handicapped sticker, he didn't have it. So why is he staring at me all the time? Then when his wife left the old man walking halfway on the path towards the block and quickly went back to the spot where he dropped them, he drove his car quickly again so close to my car (almost scratching) and screeched and stopped in front. Then sped off.

I really can't understand this action.

I understand that such lots are definitely reserved for those who really need it. But waiting in such lots for handicapped people are also allowed right while they take time to come down?

I'd checked with LTA and they said that so long the waiting time is not considerably long and there are no other cars with the disabled parking sticker/label waiting around (if have, i'll have to give way), otherwise it's alright to use it in such situations.

But I would still like to check with the people here who are more experienced in their years of driving in terms of morally or driving ethics, can i use the lots for my situation? Would like to hear constructive feedback. If it's not alright for me to do so, how else can I wait for my grandparents when they go to my relative's place again in future?

Thanks for taking time to read and reply.

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Re: Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by zzm9980 » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 9:39 am

bloodymiko wrote: I'm really puzzled, then i checked if his car has the disabled/handicapped sticker, he didn't have it. So why is he staring at me all the time?
Because you didn't have a sticker and got the spot he felt fully entitled to use. The fact he doesn't have a sticker and legally had just as much (or as little) entitlement to that spot probably meant nothing in his mind.

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Re: Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by JR8 » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:15 am

bloodymiko wrote: Then at this time, there is another car who drove by and both the male driver and his wife stared at me. I was wondering why are they staring at me so sternly? Then the man drove his car very very close to mine, almost scratching the front part of my car. All this while, he was still staring at me.

It's the classic death-stare treatment. Singaporean passive-aggressive behaviour. They won't stop and say anything, just glare at you in the hope of intimidating you.

I find giving them the finger often breaks their spell, or heavens forbid walking over and speaking to them.

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Re: Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by bloodymiko » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:31 am

zzm9980 wrote:
bloodymiko wrote: I'm really puzzled, then i checked if his car has the disabled/handicapped sticker, he didn't have it. So why is he staring at me all the time?
Because you didn't have a sticker and got the spot he felt fully entitled to use. The fact he doesn't have a sticker and legally had just as much (or as little) entitlement to that spot probably meant nothing in his mind.
Seriously nobody likes to be stared at... :( if he really need the lot and should he had asked nicely, i don't mind moving away... anyway i'm not like permanently using it.... once my grandparents arrives i'll go.... just that both requires assistance and i cant leave my car parked there so i can only wait...

Actually I saw him taking out his phone and not sure if he took a photo lol.... :(

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Re: Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by bloodymiko » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:33 am

JR8 wrote:
bloodymiko wrote: Then at this time, there is another car who drove by and both the male driver and his wife stared at me. I was wondering why are they staring at me so sternly? Then the man drove his car very very close to mine, almost scratching the front part of my car. All this while, he was still staring at me.

It's the classic death-stare treatment. Singaporean passive-aggressive behaviour. They won't stop and say anything, just glare at you in the hope of intimidating you.

I find giving them the finger often breaks their spell, or heavens forbid walking over and speaking to them.
actually i had wanted to step out of my car and ask if they urgently need the lot but everything happened so quickly..... first i had to figure out why are they staring at me, then i got sort of a nasty shock when he drove pass my car so closely and screeching. Then i'm wondering what are they trying to do? (at this moment then i just turn on the main lock to lock all my car doors - geez... maybe i think too much lah...)

Figuring this out, then the moment came that the old man came out of the car, the wife followed, slam the door and the man turned his car around in split seconds lol.... when i'm trying to sort out my thoughts for a moment, then i already saw the wife walked back to the spot where he dropped her, and i hear screeching sounds of car (this is when he drove pass my car so closely again to stop in front of my car) pick her and sped off.....

when i turned around to see where the old man was, he was left walking on his own towards the hdb block. then my thoughts moved on to - can he walk on his own to the block then to his unit?

Haiz... i really got abit freaked out.... i'm a lady, all alone in my car waiting lol.... and the carpark was rather quiet at that time....

I feel that being a gracious society, perhaps such actions is really uncalled for.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"

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Re: Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by nakatago » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:50 am

bloodymiko wrote: I feel that being a gracious society, perhaps such actions is really uncalled for.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
Thing is, it's apparently not and the government has been doing what it can to remedy it, albeit fruitlessly.
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Re: Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by JR8 » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:55 am

bloodymiko wrote:.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
They're Chinese, so it's a war to be won rather than a discussion to be had.

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Re: Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by bloodymiko » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:57 am

nakatago wrote:
bloodymiko wrote: I feel that being a gracious society, perhaps such actions is really uncalled for.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
Thing is, it's apparently not and the government has been doing what it can to remedy it, albeit fruitlessly.
Hope that our society can strive towards this goal... we have got to start from somewhere....

staring does not get the intended message across to others.... i think that many times aggressions starts when both parties are unsure of what the opposite party needs... so can only guess.... :(

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Re: Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by bloodymiko » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 11:02 am

JR8 wrote:
bloodymiko wrote:.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
They're Chinese, so it's a war to be won rather than a discussion to be had.
Oh Gosh! How did you know it? I don't think i mentioned it anywhere...

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Re: Usage of disabled/handicapped parking space/lot

Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 12:29 pm

bloodymiko wrote:
JR8 wrote:
bloodymiko wrote:.... how about asking or just saying "excuse me... can i go first or i really need the lot?"
They're Chinese, so it's a war to be won rather than a discussion to be had.
Oh Gosh! How did you know it? I don't think i mentioned it anywhere...
Wasn't difficult.

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Post by the lynx » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 1:29 pm

SIGH! I seriously don't get these people.

First he didn't have the sticker just like yourself.

Second, he didn't make an effort to communicate with you that he needs that lot (and no, staring is not a viable form of communication).

And the best part, the wife didn't exactly escort the man all the way up. so they are just as heartless as they think you might be.

And they think they have done the society justice by staring and behaving passive-aggressively towards you?


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Post by bloodymiko » Sun, 24 Jun 2012 7:17 pm

the lynx wrote:SIGH! I seriously don't get these people.

First he didn't have the sticker just like yourself.

Second, he didn't make an effort to communicate with you that he needs that lot (and no, staring is not a viable form of communication).

And the best part, the wife didn't exactly escort the man all the way up. so they are just as heartless as they think you might be.

And they think they have done the society justice by staring and behaving passive-aggressively towards you?

Haiz... actually i hoped that i wont have to encounter them again as my grandparents are often at my relatives' place and since i'm staying near that area, i often volunteer to pick them up.... my aunt and uncle are usually the ones who ferries them around but since they are working personnel.... doing so helps to lighten their responsibilities load..... esp when my granny likes to stay till rather late before going home.....

*fingers crossed*

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