Sounds like an entry for the Backlash thread, which was intended to capture actual incidents like these that, who knows, maybe one of the local papers will read and get the other side of the story. iamsen, Hanni, tell it here: ... sc-30.htmliamsen wrote:Happened several times this week. A couple or group of friends walking 2~3 abreast hogging the pathway, I step to the side so we can both pass. freak bitches shove me into the grass.
Next time, I'm shoving back.
My guess is there are more stories like this than we know of and get reported, but people have to step forward and tell their experiences. I have to wonder now if it's like news about Malaysia that's in the ST - overemphasized whereas violence here may be under-reported. I have nothing to back that up but neither would surprise me.
Hanni - FT is a messed-up term which incites self-inflicted agonies to those who created and perpetuate it. We had nothing to do with it nor do we label ourselves as such. We're just foreigners.Hannieroo wrote:I don't like the FT thing. It shouts Alien, not from here and Better than you.