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Best place to take a 6 year old girl on her birthday meal?

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Best place to take a 6 year old girl on her birthday meal?

Post by Tigerslayer » Sat, 09 Jun 2012 7:41 pm

Hi all,

I'm looking for the most fun and interactive place to bring a 6 year old for lunch / dinner in Singapore.

Anyone have any ideas, or experienced a great and memorable place for a kids birthday.

It will just be 4 of us going (2 kids and two adults).

Swensen's is the obvious choice but hoping for something a bit (or alot) better.


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Post by QRM » Sun, 10 Jun 2012 8:14 am

Ask the kid? Its her bday ours loves staying in hotels for bday treats.

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Post by Tigerslayer » Sun, 10 Jun 2012 10:55 am

Thanks, we did try asking the kid... But being 5 her scope and knowledge of places is somewhat limited to her 5 years of life experience.

I'm hoping that we can come up with something new and exciting for her.

Did any of the hotels do anything special for kids birthdays? Any recommendations on which ones are most kid friendly?

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Post by QRM » Sun, 10 Jun 2012 12:13 pm

Ours loved the Cappella pool villas because of the plunge pool and outdoor shower, every night she had room service of choco cookies and milk in bed. If you have an HSBC credit card they are doing a good deal with points.

All decent hotels will do a birthday treat, cakes etc.

Again its very much up to what the kid likes, does she/he like the beach, roller coaster rides, playgrounds, boats, horses, tree climbing adventures, kids shows, clowns, swimming/water parks, biking, ice skating, snow and ice, cable car rides, prawn fishing and BBQ etc there a shed load of stuff for kids/eating joints in Singapore.

How about a picnic in Bot gardens the verde cafe does a two for one specials pizza mid week, take the Frisbee, scooter etc. do the dinosaur walk first.

Other good one is the pan pacific outdoor restaurant, has a playground next to it and the kids loves the glass lift rides "Say its a rocket"

Camping/picnic? at Sentosa, walking distance from tanjong beach club so you can stock up on drinks and food.

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