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Bilingual Preschool Options?

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Bilingual Preschool Options?

Post by SwissMissMama » Thu, 31 May 2012 2:40 pm

I am looking for a Bilingual preschool for my almost 3 year old. Preferably a preschool that is a feeder school to a larger location.... Is bilingual common at the preschool level? My daughter is in a bilingual kinder/preschool and picked up Swiss German within 3 weeks of being integrated and I feel the younger I get her acclimated the easier it will be to learn Mandarin.


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Post by wannamove » Thu, 31 May 2012 3:08 pm

Most of the preschools have 1 or 2 hours of Mandarin every day. It should pretty easy for you to find a bilingual preschool if you are looking at Mandarin as the 2nd language.

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Post by cw1483 » Thu, 31 May 2012 4:36 pm

What bilingual languages were you referring to?

Here's a helpful guide to find child care centers(montessori/preschool/kindergarten) and when you do advance search on the right, to search for child care center (you can select mother tongue as Chinese, Malay, Tamil, or Others).

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Post by SwissMissMama » Thu, 31 May 2012 7:00 pm

Yes, the second language would be Mandarin. The way it currently works at my daughter's preschool is there are 2 teachers in each classroom. One only speaks English and the other German... it's like this everyday. This is the set-up I am looking for. Is this common in Singapore?

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Post by wannamove » Sun, 03 Jun 2012 3:12 pm

SwissMissMama wrote:Yes, the second language would be Mandarin. The way it currently works at my daughter's preschool is there are 2 teachers in each classroom. One only speaks English and the other German... it's like this everyday. This is the set-up I am looking for. Is this common in Singapore?
From the daycares/preschools I have visited/contacted - Mandarin is offered 1 hour a day or 1/2 a day (Odyssey was the only place with 1/2 day Mandarin). There is a teacher who interacts with them in Mandarin and helps them.

My almost 3 year old daughter has been in a Singapore preschool with 1 hr of Mandarin for the past 7 months and sings Mandarin songs and uses Mandarin words which I do not understand

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