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asian nose job - what type of implant is best?

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asian nose job - what type of implant is best?

Post by jz2012 » Fri, 25 May 2012 9:36 am


i'm planning to go to korea or taiwan for rhinoplasty.

what type of implant is best for the nasal bridge?

i would love to hear ur opinion on

- silicone
- goretex
- rib graft
- dermal graft


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Re: asian nose job - what type of implant is best?

Post by trycharlize » Tue, 29 May 2012 5:08 pm

Some clinics in Taiwan they offer the "korean technique nose job" which is rhinoplast​y performed with using septal cartilage + silicone/goretex.
I wrote in to a Clinic, and they quoted me NT$60,000 to NT$70,000 (depends silicone or goretex and include alarplasty). Is it expensive?

jz2012 wrote:hi

i'm planning to go to korea or taiwan for rhinoplasty.

what type of implant is best for the nasal bridge?

i would love to hear ur opinion on

- silicone
- goretex
- rib graft
- dermal graft


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Re: asian nose job - what type of implant is best?

Post by madaboutplastic » Mon, 17 Sep 2012 12:54 am

- silicone
most commonly used by plastic docs and cosmetic docs. easy to put in. close rhino techniques usually use. very short surgery time (pro-surgeon). can be done under sedation instead of general anesthesia. soft. will not warp. but is foreign body. more susceptible to infection than cartilllage. time cost to surgeon is alot lower.

- goretex
similar to silicone but alot harder. normally use for bridge etc but not for tip. often used in combination of ear or septal carti.

- rib graft
safest, but may not produce the most pleasing aesthetic result because rib thickness is limited and doctors cannot pile one on top of another. rib may curve in 3-5 years. longer surgery time and have to be under general anesthesia, which most "one man show" clinics like that in hatyai would never have the capacity to do.

- dermal graft
not known to be used in aesthetic rhinoplasty at all unless u have some accident and need total reconstruction including the skin outside.

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