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Post by sweetgazebo » Tue, 08 May 2012 10:32 pm

it helped that a friend of mine was an iban. but then again when i first arrived at the village they were more curious abt my dressing then my ethnicity. her mother was a very warm woman - she had a banquet prepared 3 days in advance when her daughter told her i was visiting. and i learnt that to not join them in a toast of tuak (which starts fr dinner right to the wee hours of the morning) is an insult to them. but yeah it felt different being with these people, for like a week - so family-oriented and close knitted. something i dont find in the city. nobody fusses over a snoring old man at bedtime and there are 10-15 families staying in this long house.

the lynx wrote:IMHO, the 'real' longhouse villages are not really receptive to visitors (especially of foreign descent - even myself). These are the ones which have disconnected itself from outside world, practising animism.

You need to know a local for such access to 'real' longhouses. He will help you getting around and also act as mediator and translator (be sure to bring souvenirs - I was asked to bring colourful beads and fake Swarovski crystals - the women and children go gaga over them and use them for their bead work). And he will help to remind you the do's and don't s there.

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 08 May 2012 10:37 pm

sweetgazebo wrote:it helped that a friend of mine was an iban.
Did he show you his bone?

:P :wink:

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Post by sweetgazebo » Tue, 08 May 2012 10:48 pm

why? you were welcomed wit dat? not surprised if you were :D :P
JR8 wrote:
sweetgazebo wrote:it helped that a friend of mine was an iban.
Did he show you his bone?

:P :wink:

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 08 May 2012 10:58 pm

sweetgazebo wrote:why? you were welcomed wit dat? not surprised if you were :D :P
JR8 wrote:
sweetgazebo wrote:it helped that a friend of mine was an iban.
Did he show you his bone?

:P :wink:
I dated a chick from Irian Jaya, and she showed me hers. So was just wondering :lol:

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Post by sweetgazebo » Tue, 08 May 2012 11:01 pm

yah-lah dats wat i said ... no wonder lah! :D :P

JR8 wrote:
sweetgazebo wrote:why? you were welcomed wit dat? not surprised if you were :D :P
JR8 wrote: Did he show you his bone?

:P :wink:
I dated a chick from Irian Jaya, and she showed me hers. So was just wondering :lol:

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Post by the lynx » Tue, 08 May 2012 11:49 pm

sweetgazebo wrote:it helped that a friend of mine was an iban. but then again when i first arrived at the village they were more curious abt my dressing then my ethnicity. her mother was a very warm woman - she had a banquet prepared 3 days in advance when her daughter told her i was visiting. and i learnt that to not join them in a toast of tuak (which starts fr dinner right to the wee hours of the morning) is an insult to them. but yeah it felt different being with these people, for like a week - so family-oriented and close knitted. something i dont find in the city. nobody fusses over a snoring old man at bedtime and there are 10-15 families staying in this long house.

the lynx wrote:IMHO, the 'real' longhouse villages are not really receptive to visitors (especially of foreign descent - even myself). These are the ones which have disconnected itself from outside world, practising animism.

You need to know a local for such access to 'real' longhouses. He will help you getting around and also act as mediator and translator (be sure to bring souvenirs - I was asked to bring colourful beads and fake Swarovski crystals - the women and children go gaga over them and use them for their bead work). And he will help to remind you the do's and don't s there.
Damn, I remember that tuak session I had. Got myself drunk over tuak, lengai AND that nasty mentaku!

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Post by refugees » Thu, 10 May 2012 5:51 pm

For nature lovers, Taman Negara (National park) is a good choice for few days stay.

I also went for a 3d water rafting trip somewhere in Pahang (deep in the jungle) few years back, it was memorable. Treked 3 hrs through thick jungle from drop off pt to the starting point of the river. Plenty of leeches along the way, n pretty sure donated few gallons of blood.
The orang asli guide was amazing, they cruise through the trek carrying the deflated raft (like 20kg), and their cooking was amazing.

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Post by poodlek » Thu, 10 May 2012 10:26 pm

hollysurly wrote:If I visit Malaysia first thing i will do that nature exploration and after that all things which can usually do in Malaysia.

stock market
Epic fail

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Post by QRM » Fri, 11 May 2012 8:11 am

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Post by the lynx » Fri, 11 May 2012 4:21 pm

Nice one :)

A small comment from a local:

Redang and Pangkor is overrated. The rest are OK :) Not familiar with Rawa though, so no comment.

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Post by carteki » Fri, 11 May 2012 4:48 pm

And there is a "direct ferry from Singapore to Tioman"? Sounds like the usual level of CNN journalism. A friend was recently "interviewed" for another piece - couchsurfing in Afganistan. The interview consisted on an email with 26 questions.

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 11 May 2012 7:07 pm

I wondered about the SG to Tioman ferry too, there was one years ago I believe :roll:

p.s. re: Afghanistan. Back in my wilder days this kind of thing was called 'stealth tourism'...

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