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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 20 Jan 2014 4:39 pm

sarasari wrote:
Johnny Drama wrote:moving to Singapore soon, as most of our travel will be with Emirates we're going to sign up to their miles scheme, does anyone know of local banks whose credit cards work with the emirates flyers scheme?
Am still in Singapore but considering doing the same. I feel like I get very little value for my loyalty to SIA and I am liking the fares from Emirates more
Don't think there is any local bank that does Emirates. Citi Premier Miles has added a few airlines recently though, so there is always the chance they'll add emirates. The Citi points don't expire either, so you can just keep them there until you need to move them and pick an appropriate airline.
Last edited by zzm9980 on Mon, 20 Jan 2014 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 20 Jan 2014 4:40 pm

A further complaint I now have about Kris Flyer is how high the damn fees are even when you cash in for a ticket. A recent trip to Bali was about ~40k miles round trip for three people, plus another S$450. I could have just bought tickets on Air Asia for about the same price without using any miles.

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Post by PrimroseHill » Mon, 20 Jan 2014 5:05 pm

zzm9980 wrote:A further complaint I now have about Kris Flyer is how high the damn fees are even when you cash in for a ticket. A recent trip to Bali was about ~40k miles round trip for three people, plus another S$450. I could have just bought tickets on Air Asia for about the same price without using any miles.
Maybe it is due to sector. We paid for our Beijing trip return biz on points, 80,000 and $400, which I thought wasn't bad, per person

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 20 Jan 2014 8:23 pm

PrimroseHill wrote:
zzm9980 wrote:A further complaint I now have about Kris Flyer is how high the damn fees are even when you cash in for a ticket. A recent trip to Bali was about ~40k miles round trip for three people, plus another S$450. I could have just bought tickets on Air Asia for about the same price without using any miles.
Maybe it is due to sector. We paid for our Beijing trip return biz on points, 80,000 and $400, which I thought wasn't bad, per person
No, that seems decent. I wonder if those fees are static across classes then. I generally try to maximize them and fly coach with points when on SQ.

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