For what purpose, so you can tailor-make another appeal application? Anyway it is a moot point as ICA won't meet you and explain why you were rejected.butterdogpoppy wrote: May I know how many ICA controller there? The same person rejected me twice and I am thinking if it will be appropriate for me to meet him in person to enquire about the rejection.
Thanks for the thought provoking opinions here. I believe there is nothing I can do but to work hard to add value to myself (increment+promotion) and contribute more and more to Singapore society.okdone wrote:In this case I would say that if the other person is earning up to the mark with you, at a younger age, that means this is the kind of talent they ICA might be looking at. And the degree from an Australian university (probably higher rank in QS which ICA usually looks at as I've read in some of their webpages.)
I have noticed this before. There is indeed an online self evaluation tool (for EP in Singapore) which you can vary the criteria a bit and see for yourself. In this tool if you increase your age, and number of years in Singapore - even your higher salary might not make a difference to your EP Category.
So, lesser age, Australian Univ. degree and competitive salary scale, that comparison insidiously says it all I guess.
I read several times your thread and this is my conclusion in Hokkienbutterdogpoppy wrote: Thanks for the thought provoking opinions here. I believe there is nothing I can do but to work hard to add value to myself (increment+promotion) and contribute more and more to Singapore society.
Does not tell you to go back to your country. It does, however, advise you to prepare and not leave your exit plans until the last minute. Sound advice if you consider some of the others here that are ruining their names by running out on their bills/obligations therefore make it hard on the rest of the foreigners already here. Other than my admonition nobody else told you to go home.Start preparing yourself for redeployment back to Oz. Don't leave it all to the last moment.
So you are one of the few lucky ones who somehow beat the odds. Wow. Good for you. All of our information comes soley from anecdotal evidence from other posters. Occasionally, there is the rare one who does manage to be successful.While something may still come through, your story is an all too common one in recent weeks.
Congratulations.butterdogpoppy wrote:Hi
I just received letter of approval for my PR application today! I am the most happy person in the world.
PRs are granted to my family members too and I am required to do some health check such as HIV but it was never requested before for my EP.
Thank you all for your feedback!
Unless he likes to play play in Batamthe lynx wrote:Congratulations.butterdogpoppy wrote:Hi
I just received letter of approval for my PR application today! I am the most happy person in the world.
PRs are granted to my family members too and I am required to do some health check such as HIV but it was never requested before for my EP.
Thank you all for your feedback!
Now you can relax and just go through the requested procedures. The biggest hurdle is already over.
Congratulations, but by obliterating most of your earlier posts you have made this thread less helpful to others who may be in a similar position in the future.butterdogpoppy wrote:Hi
I just received letter of approval for my PR application today! I am the most happy person in the world.
PRs are granted to my family members too and I am required to do some health check such as HIV but it was never requested before for my EP.
Thank you all for your feedback!
WTH, I just realised he did that!!Mi Amigo wrote:Congratulations, but by obliterating most of your earlier posts you have made this thread less helpful to others who may be in a similar position in the future.butterdogpoppy wrote:Hi
I just received letter of approval for my PR application today! I am the most happy person in the world.
PRs are granted to my family members too and I am required to do some health check such as HIV but it was never requested before for my EP.
Thank you all for your feedback!
butterdogpoppy wrote:Hi
I just received letter of approval for my PR application today! I am the most happy person in the world.
PRs are granted to my family members too and I am required to do some health check such as HIV but it was never requested before for my EP.
Thank you all for your feedback!
sundaymorningstaple wrote:mmddyy, if you were rejected, it doesn't really surprise me.
Why? Because you didn't bother to read the whole thread. Had you done so, you would have known that the original poster is no longer able to post here as he has been banned for deleting all the text from his posts, thereby causing the thread to be rendered useless as a reference tool for any newbies to the board. Only by our moderator's speedy intervention and some luck with search engines and cached pages, they were able to restore it after his account was locked.
You obviously haven't read enough threads here as you found one thread that said something that you like but unfortunately, the majority of threads here have NOT turned out like our abuser, Butterdogpoppycrap.
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