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Post by JR8 » Sat, 21 Apr 2012 8:14 pm

Good luck.

p.s. When I said it sounds heavy that is simply my first impression. I am not a lawyer or knowledgeable on sentencing in SG, although I agree with you it has a reputation for being pretty harsh.

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Post by vvleandrews » Sat, 21 Apr 2012 9:10 pm

Thank you very much JR8 and everyone who has been kind enough to share your thoughts. I've just sent an email to the SG Police Force about the police report and shall try re-appealing.

One thing to note though, there is a mention of 'Spent' Past Criminal Records - declaration of crime-free criminal records of an ex-offender after a period of 5 years (rules apply). I hope I do qualify as it includes WP holders too.

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Post by JR8 » Sat, 21 Apr 2012 9:27 pm

After you get your records and before you re-appeal, I'd come back here and - information in hand - ask Mad Scientist if he can give you his opinion on how to proceed.

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Post by vvleandrews » Sun, 22 Apr 2012 12:59 am

Sure will JR8. Many thanks for your guidance. See you when docs are ready. Till then, God bless!

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Post by Mad Scientist » Sun, 22 Apr 2012 4:05 am

Sorry late to the party again, too busy with bloody work here.
OK, reading again your post, you said ICA stated your ban is indefinite?
Do you have proof of that?
I hazard to guess but this may have come from MOM as you are paint with the same brush with other previous criminals.
You are a criminal, do not forget that and in the eyes of the law since you went to jail, you will have a X factor your file
Yes, it is heavy but this is ICA we are talking about.
Check what penal code you are served and what is the sentence meted out pre se and what did MOM state when they revoke your WP

Going forward, you can try this, place a security bond with ICA and engaged two locals as your guarantor and get an invitation letter from a local company to sponsor you, The local company must present this to ICA and you are on good behaviour watchdog.
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Post by vvleandrews » Sun, 22 Apr 2012 2:37 pm

@Mad Scientist: The indefinite ban is were communicated to me verbally by the Immigration Officers and from the ICA helpline. They all keep suggesting the same thing - write in an appeal, to which I receive a reply to say its unsuccessful. Duration of ban is not stated anywhere in black and white.

I've never thought about checking with MOM but sure will now since I have some guidance here.

As for the security bond, this is something totally new I'm learning about, how much is the bond, do you know?

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Post by Mad Scientist » Sun, 22 Apr 2012 3:52 pm

vvleandrews wrote:@Mad Scientist: The indefinite ban is were communicated to me verbally by the Immigration Officers and from the ICA helpline. They all keep suggesting the same thing - write in an appeal, to which I receive a reply to say its unsuccessful. Duration of ban is not stated anywhere in black and white.

I've never thought about checking with MOM but sure will now since I have some guidance here.

As for the security bond, this is something totally new I'm learning about, how much is the bond, do you know?
This is precisely what I fear, as there is no ruling on the ban. Illegal entry or overstayers warrants a 5 to 10 year ban
The way I see it , no one in ICA wants to take accept responsibility, hence they paint you with the same brush.
Security bond can be from $5k to $10k and it is recoverable. More like bankers guarantee BG
No point in talking to ICA unless you can show them your intention and specific in doing business in SG hence the BG is one that can be shown as a proof of intention to conduct business
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Post by vvleandrews » Mon, 23 Apr 2012 12:53 pm

@Mad Scientist: Wow, SGD 5-10k bond! Converted to MYR, that is a lot of money. No company would be so generous and go all out like this :(

So you're saying that there's absolutely no known years of ban stated in my records with ICA except Indefinite? And no point talking to ICA even if I would like to set foot for a humble holiday visit, except if I can pull thorough 2 Singaporean guarantors, bond money and local company invitation? Looks like there's just no hope for me.

Sorry again to vent out my frustration but all this for S$50, a nice 'Ban' word stamped on me eternity + horrid looking scars I have to live with for the rest of my life. And none of the authorities or Controller of Immigrations are willing to give me at least a chance meet them in person or have an interrogation to hear my plea.

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 23 Apr 2012 4:01 pm

MS also said...

"Check what penal code you are served and what is the sentence meted out pre se and what did MOM state when they revoke your WP"

One step at a time...

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Post by Mad Scientist » Mon, 23 Apr 2012 5:33 pm

If money can solve the problem then it is not a problem at all

If money can solve the problem then it is a BIG PROBLEM

The security bond can be any number based on past cases. Yes, for $50 and you are being held accountable till doomsday comes but after some soul searching , I believe , there is more to it then this on your issue. If you do not tell we cannot help and please do not PM me
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Post by vvleandrews » Mon, 23 Apr 2012 9:56 pm

-> Mad Scientist,

I don't understand what you are trying to say in your first 2 sentences, it doesn't make much sense. I've practically bared the skeletons in my closet on this page and though my case, dubious as it seems, is a hard and bitter fact.

My apologies if you were receiving PMs instead, I simply replied with a '@' sign followed by your name. I may be just a random nick here on this forum but I want you to know that I truly appreciate all the guidance and valuable input that you and others have provided me with. I may not be able to repay your kind help, but God who sees all things will.

God bless.

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Post by vvleandrews » Mon, 23 Apr 2012 10:00 pm

Thanks JR8. Yes, one step at a time.

Thank you for being so nice :)

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 23 Apr 2012 10:04 pm

vvleandrews wrote:-> Mad Scientist,

I don't understand what you are trying to say in your first 2 sentences, it doesn't make much sense. I've practically bared the skeletons in my closet on this page and though my case, dubious as it seems, is a hard and bitter fact.

My apologies if you were receiving PMs instead, I simply replied with a '@' sign followed by your name. I may be just a random nick here on this forum but I want you to know that I truly appreciate all the guidance and valuable input that you and others have provided me with. I may not be able to repay your kind help, but God who sees all things will.

God bless.
Lost in translation :)

If I might be so bold I think MS simply had a typo and he meant...
'If money can solve the problem then it is not a problem at all
If money can't solve the problem then it is a BIG PROBLEM'

Also I think the question might be that your apparent life-ban for the theft of $50 eight years ago maybe suggests there is possibly a little bit more on your record than just that one issue that you mention (and this had crossed my mind also). And if that is the case, then you might as well elaborate, as no one here can truly help with half the information.

Clearer now? :)

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Post by vvleandrews » Mon, 23 Apr 2012 10:38 pm

Oh :o , thanks.

Yes JR8, that truly all there is to it, there is truly no point to hide as I'm earnestly seeking help, God is my witness.

I've worked in SG for 4 years in total, under WP. Company X for 3 years, then I resigned and properly terminated my WP. Then i joined Company Y, obtained another WP, knew this devil and was successfully commuting to and from SG-JB everyday to work. My colleagues at work was always suspicious of domestic violence at home with my constant bruise, showing up to work.

Then on that day, I was so much in pain, desperate and not wanting to get it again, I quickly took whatever there is, which is S$50. The cust immediately noticed it and I was so scared, I handed it back, like, it an instant. The cust was kind and forgiving but due to reputation, I was handed in. The penalty was about S$2 - 2.5k or 2 weeks time, and I did 3 days before the remainder of the penalty was paid.

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Post by vvleandrews » Mon, 23 Apr 2012 10:41 pm

Also as what MS suggested, I am in the midst of collecting all relevant case files from SPF and MOM. And perhaps I study that first, then come back here.

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