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What net worth is rich in SG?

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Post by bluenose » Thu, 19 Apr 2012 9:04 am

For sound incredibly bored and even more boring..... :wink:

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Post by Zeenit » Thu, 19 Apr 2012 9:22 am

This is what I figured out while i was bored as my husband was working last.

He used a link inserted his age and a salary and then wrote all that rubbish of his worth.

So Bluenose you so right he is more boring than first thought :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Post by mark1231414 » Thu, 19 Apr 2012 10:19 am

bluenose wrote:For sound incredibly bored and even more boring..... :wink:
Sure then no need to keep responding to my post if it is so boring. Last I look there are hundres of post that might engage you more on this forum.

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Post by nutnut » Thu, 19 Apr 2012 11:30 am


I have respect for you for responding to the onslaught of posts and the realisation of the post being raised in the wrong 'forum'. I think you've learnt that lesson.

For your information, the expat regulars here (in this web forum) are not really interested in this kind of chat and the fact that a number of us know each other outside of the forum then the anonymity for us is different, it's akin to walking in to a pub with a mask on and asking the question between a group of friends. You will get the exact response you have got at every turn.

The 'passers by' to the forum are generally after one thing, information about Singapore or meeting folk etc. This kind of topic would rarely interest them and those inclined to delve into such discussion would be unlikely to look for it here, it's a forum on the back of a property web portal and is mainly for expat information.

If it helps, financially you are doing well for your age, congrats (is that what you wanted) but I couldn't really care less, I don't know you and don't really wish to know someone who initially introduces himself with the information you have done so, it seems very fickle.

If you ARE indeed a blogger or journo then I pity you, your research into this place is poor and you have misunderstood the general populous, however, if you are indeed just bored then whatever floats your boat, I suppose it beats looking at memes on the web!

Thanks for popping by and giving us a good giggle at your expense, I am pleased you took it in such good humour yourself. We are used to very self important people who don't back down when they come in with this kind of thread, we enjoy them very much.

Good luck with your search for your information.

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Re: What net worth is rich in SG?

Post by BillyB » Thu, 19 Apr 2012 2:12 pm

mark1231414 wrote:Okay this is going to be controversial topic but here of the things I love about SG is that for the most part if you meet another foreigner there is a high probability that they are a successful professional and probably well-off. It reminds me of Monaco and how it is there. So knowing that for the most part expats in SG tend to be successful what would someone need to earn and have as a net worth to be consider well off? Since I started this thread I can give you my stats:

1. 34M
2. Married + 1 young child
2. Salary last year: SG$525K inclusive base/bonus/stock
3. Net worth:
- Stock/Investment assets: SG$1.46MM
- Apartment equity: SG$150K

Note a couple things:
1. I am an American born Asian if that makes any difference.
2. I will respond so this is not a drive-by post
3. I am sure there will be trolls but hopefully we can keep the discourse clean
4. Yes this is only talking about white-collar workers.
What are you aiming to achieve as the end point - that might help to get more concentrated responses.

Also, what did you start with? what is important to you in life? what's your definition of 'rich'? has your apartment gained in value? has your portfolio survived the downturn? The information provided tells us next to nothing about your situation - you might have a monster coke or gambling habit, huge debts, wives in different Countries taking payments etc.......

The original post is subjective and naive (If it's taken at face value) from someone who has a salary level that suggests intelligence.

P.S. Monaco residency requirements are usually $20-30mn USD in liquid assets.

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Re: What net worth is rich in SG?

Post by aster » Fri, 20 Apr 2012 12:00 pm

mark1231414 wrote:Okay this is going to be controversial topic..
Tell you what, get back to us when you own your own unit at The Marq, invite us all over for a beer, and then we'll all pitch in for a neon sign that reads "I am officially rich - certified by" which you can put up on your wall - or better yet - on your balcony for everyone to see.

Looking forward to the beer! :D

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Re: What net worth is rich in SG?

Post by taxico » Sat, 21 Apr 2012 4:22 pm

mark1231414 wrote:...So knowing that for the most part expats in SG tend to be successful what would someone need to earn and have as a net worth to be consider well off? Since I started this thread I can give you my stats:

2. Salary last year: SG$525K inclusive base/bonus/stock
3. Net worth:
- Stock/Investment assets: SG$1.46MM
- Apartment equity: SG$150K

Note a couple things:
1. I am an American born Asian if that makes any difference.
4. Yes this is only talking about white-collar workers.
since you're in singapore, and we're talking about "net worth" then i don't think banks will discern if you're an expat or not. what banks will do is treat people of certain occupations better.

IIRC, most banks categorize people with 100,000/200,000 to 350,000 of investable dollars as the "rising rich" (depending on which bank).

private banking services become available when you have $1-2m in the bank and wealth management services for those in-between (again, bank dependent).

on the lower end, people with 10,000/20,000 to 100,000/200,000 may be considered "rising rich" too - a new segment some local banks are anxious to court.

whether you're a white collar worker or not doesn't really matter to the bank; they look at your balance/portfolio/history before conferring a status on you.

eg, good hawkers or established shop keepers rake in good coin and don't know what else to do except upgrade their cars and get regular pricey but lousy perms (hair) (rim shot).

eg, some people may more than you do but have a lot of debt or spend them off with nothing in the bank account to show for... if i were a banker, i doubt they will be considered "well off."

my opinion: i think "well off" is probably within the $350,000 to $1m mark (in investable assets).

congrats! the asian'ness in you must be very proud. allow me to pump your virtual hand. [insert gif here]

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Re: What net worth is rich in SG?

Post by taxico » Sat, 21 Apr 2012 4:27 pm

mark1231414 wrote:Okay this is going to be controversial topic but here goes... of the things I love about SG is that for the most part if you meet another foreigner there is a high probability that they are a successful professional and probably well-off.

It reminds me of Monaco and how it is there.

3. I am sure there will be trolls but hopefully we can keep the discourse clean
come on... are you frickin serious?? most "well off" people in monaco are not those i would term "successful professional" man... have you lived there before?

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Post by poodlek » Sat, 21 Apr 2012 4:43 pm

Is it too late in the thread to make a lewd remark?
Ok, I'll leave it alone then.

What I don't understand is why you need to put a numerical value on "rich." What in the world possible difference can it make to you? This reminds me of that scene from Austin Powers "One MILLION dollars!!"

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Post by taxico » Sat, 21 Apr 2012 5:25 pm



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Post by BillyB » Sat, 21 Apr 2012 9:15 pm

I've concluded that his net worth is a couple of inches.....

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Post by JR8 » Sat, 21 Apr 2012 9:36 pm

This thread reminds me of a person I once met in Egypt. He was an Italian diving instructor, who was an utter looks/physique double of Jean Claude van Damme. The hotel was one of the remotest places I have ever been, middle of nowhere towards the Sudanese border.

I can only imagine it must have been the most deathly boring place to work imaginable. The hotel, and not another building within 30 mins drive. Which must be why he spent all his spare hours in the gym.

Anyway I prevaricate. The point was that... ((cough), dear reader I'll be a subtle about this as I can), a colleague of his told me that not only was incredibly double-jointed, but he also had the (cough) ability to penetrate himself.

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Post by mark1231414 » Thu, 26 Apr 2012 5:50 pm

BillyB wrote:I've concluded that his net worth is a couple of inches.....that is I let cum in my moms mouth
nah BillyB it was your wife actually.
Last edited by mark1231414 on Thu, 26 Apr 2012 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by mark1231414 » Thu, 26 Apr 2012 5:52 pm

poodlek wrote:Is it too late in the thread to make a lewd remark?
Ok, I'll leave it alone then.

What I don't understand is why you need to put a numerical value on "rich." What in the world possible difference can it make to you? This reminds me of that scene from Austin Powers "One MILLION dollars!!"
Go for it man. You can not get more lewd then other comments who are preoccupied with penis.

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Post by mark1231414 » Thu, 26 Apr 2012 5:54 pm

JR8 wrote:This thread reminds me of a person I once met in Egypt. He was an Italian diving instructor, who was an utter looks/physique double of Jean Claude van Damme. The hotel was one of the remotest places I have ever been, middle of nowhere towards the Sudanese border.

I can only imagine it must have been the most deathly boring place to work imaginable. The hotel, and not another building within 30 mins drive. Which must be why he spent all his spare hours in the gym.

Anyway I prevaricate. The point was that... ((cough), dear reader I'll be a subtle about this as I can), a colleague of his told me that not only was incredibly double-jointed, but he also had the (cough) ability to penetrate himself.
Great story. Thanks for letting us know you enjoyed a night fling with a look-alike Jean van Damme.

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