What are you aiming to achieve as the end point - that might help to get more concentrated responses.mark1231414 wrote:Okay this is going to be controversial topic but here goes...one of the things I love about SG is that for the most part if you meet another foreigner there is a high probability that they are a successful professional and probably well-off. It reminds me of Monaco and how it is there. So knowing that for the most part expats in SG tend to be successful what would someone need to earn and have as a net worth to be consider well off? Since I started this thread I can give you my stats:
1. 34M
2. Married + 1 young child
2. Salary last year: SG$525K inclusive base/bonus/stock
3. Net worth:
- Stock/Investment assets: SG$1.46MM
- Apartment equity: SG$150K
Note a couple things:
1. I am an American born Asian if that makes any difference.
2. I will respond so this is not a drive-by post
3. I am sure there will be trolls but hopefully we can keep the discourse clean
4. Yes this is only talking about white-collar workers.
Tell you what, get back to us when you own your own unit at The Marq, invite us all over for a beer, and then we'll all pitch in for a neon sign that reads "I am officially rich - certified by SingaporeExpats.com" which you can put up on your wall - or better yet - on your balcony for everyone to see.mark1231414 wrote:Okay this is going to be controversial topic..
since you're in singapore, and we're talking about "net worth" then i don't think banks will discern if you're an expat or not. what banks will do is treat people of certain occupations better.mark1231414 wrote:...So knowing that for the most part expats in SG tend to be successful what would someone need to earn and have as a net worth to be consider well off? Since I started this thread I can give you my stats:
2. Salary last year: SG$525K inclusive base/bonus/stock
3. Net worth:
- Stock/Investment assets: SG$1.46MM
- Apartment equity: SG$150K
Note a couple things:
1. I am an American born Asian if that makes any difference.
4. Yes this is only talking about white-collar workers.
come on... are you frickin serious?? most "well off" people in monaco are not those i would term "successful professional" man... have you lived there before?mark1231414 wrote:Okay this is going to be controversial topic but here goes...
...one of the things I love about SG is that for the most part if you meet another foreigner there is a high probability that they are a successful professional and probably well-off.
It reminds me of Monaco and how it is there.
3. I am sure there will be trolls but hopefully we can keep the discourse clean
nah BillyB it was your wife actually.BillyB wrote:I've concluded that his net worth is a couple of inches.....that is I let cum in my moms mouth
Go for it man. You can not get more lewd then other comments who are preoccupied with penis.poodlek wrote:Is it too late in the thread to make a lewd remark?
Ok, I'll leave it alone then.
What I don't understand is why you need to put a numerical value on "rich." What in the world possible difference can it make to you? This reminds me of that scene from Austin Powers "One MILLION dollars!!"
Great story. Thanks for letting us know you enjoyed a night fling with a look-alike Jean van Damme.JR8 wrote:This thread reminds me of a person I once met in Egypt. He was an Italian diving instructor, who was an utter looks/physique double of Jean Claude van Damme. The hotel was one of the remotest places I have ever been, middle of nowhere towards the Sudanese border.
I can only imagine it must have been the most deathly boring place to work imaginable. The hotel, and not another building within 30 mins drive. Which must be why he spent all his spare hours in the gym.
Anyway I prevaricate. The point was that... ((cough), dear reader I'll be a subtle about this as I can), a colleague of his told me that not only was incredibly double-jointed, but he also had the (cough) ability to penetrate himself.
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