ahumanbeing wrote:What's with the comment on Asians who treat maids as slaves. You mean you really know of such an Asian and yet the best you can do for the "poor slave" is to write a few lines on this forum instead of calling the police? No Action Talk Only (NATO)
You obviously know nothing of the very limited avenues available in Singapore to report and deal with maid abuse.
And yes, it is Asians that treat their maids like shit. Even the blue collar workers treat the maids like shit. Example: I move into a semi-D. Maid's room has no aircon (no, not a bomb shelter, either). I hire an aircon guy to install... he asks me, "What are you doing this for? She's the maid." When I explain that I think my maid should live like I do in my house he looks at me like I am crazy.
And how about my next door neighbor who screamed and yelled at his maid, making her cower, on almost a daily basis? I reported him everywhere I could think of. I talked to the maid and referred her to support groups. I talked to the guys wife. You know what difference it made? Zero.
Educate yourself before condemning others.